Urdnot Seg
Biological information | |
Born: |
June 14, 632 BCE |
Died: |
January 11, 754 CE |
Physical information | |
Species: |
Gender: |
Male |
Height: |
8.0ft |
Hair: |
None |
Eyes: |
Blood red |
Political and military information | |
Affiliation: |
Weapon(s): |
Equipment: |
Command(s): |
Rank(s): |
Era: |
Asari Cycle |
Battle(s): |
- "The great Krogan Empire is founded on blood, conquest and war. This war was inevitable. They created us to fight, and get surprised when we look for a new enemy and find nothing but them."
- — Urdnot Seg talking about the Krogan Rebellions.
Battlelord Urdnot Seg, also known as Seg the Great, was Chieftain's Adjutant to his brother Chieftain Urdnot Viyax of Clan Urdnot, a Battlelord in the Tuchankan Imperial Army in command of the 5th Warband, and the father of Urdnot Jarrod. Born on Tuchanka in the one thousand three hundred years following the nuclear war that led to the collapse of krogan society, Seg's childhood was brutal and survivalistic, forced to survive on whatever food he could find and scrounge up. He was 530 when the salarians uplifted the krogan and helped unify surviving clans into a unified collective, officially forming the Tuchankan Empire. Seg went on to serve in the Fourth Rachni War, fighting in numerous campaigns against the rachni until their final defeat in 53 CE. Seg would continue to serve in the Imperial Army, and spearheaded many of the military reforms instituted by Archlord Vromar Morno and Juntor Moro. Seg would attain command of the 5th Warband with the rank of Battlelord, where he was stationed on Garvug on the fringes of the Krogan Bloc. He was a supporter of Juntor "the Renegade" Moro's policies, including his ideology of Moroism which supported constant krogan expansionism and 'krogan breathing space.' He supported his brother Viyax against his younger brother Urdnot Josk in challenging the chieftain of Clan Urdnot, and following his brother's victory, was appointed chieftain's adjutant. Seg had twelve sons that he knew about, but only took one under his wing, Urdnot Jarrod, who he groomed as a hardline Imperial loyalist, which would go on to shape Jarrod's post-Rebellions alignment with the Tuchankan Traditionalists during the Krogan Civil Wars.
When war finally broke out with the Council in 700 CE, Seg's army was one of the first warbands to go on the offensive immediately, seizing upon numerous victories and even annexing dozens of Council worlds into imperial control. Seg inducted his son into his warband three years into the conflict, grooming him for the eventuality of overthrowing his brother and installing his bloodline unto the throne of Clan Urdnot, beginning to view Viyax as too selfish and ambitious with none of the spine to back it. Seg's non-stop victories earned him a reputation as 'Seg the Great', although Seg's main weakness was his preference for going on the offensive, and refusing to commit to defensive positions. This, combined with the frequent infighting among krogan commanders as they fought and killed each other for control, meant Seg was very rarely committed to specific theaters, bouncing between them frequently. This was eventually exploited by the turians upon their entry into the war, where they finally cornered Seg's army at Noveria. The result was three pitched battles between Seg's occupation forces on Noveria and turian assault forces who deliberately trapped Seg into a defensive siege, where they knew he was weakest. In the third and final engagement, Seg led his troops in a charge against the turian siege lines, where the turians had dug in. Seg's troops overwhelmed the turian forces initially, but a Blackwatch unit killed Seg in the ensuing fighting, and a turian orbital bombardment tore through the Warband, forcing the rest into retreat. The unit responsible for Seg's death would would later become known as the 'Noverian Brawlers' for the victory. His son Jarrod would escape with a few surviving troops however, although this proved a turian propaganda victory.