Feros Colonial Guard


Feros Colonial Guard


28 July 2183 CE - 7 June 2186 CE
1 October 2186 CE - present


Systems Alliance Colonial Army (2183 CE - 2191 CE)

Systems Coalition Colonial Guard (2191 CE - present)


Systems Alliance (2183 CE - 2191 CE)

Systems Coalition (2191 CE - present)


1st Feros Battalion
2nd Feros Battalion


Colonial Guard


Volunteer civilian militia


2,000 troops (at peak)

Part of:

Systems Alliance Colonial Army (2183 CE - 2191 CE)
Systems Coalition Colonial Guard (2191 CE - present)


Zhu's Hope, Feros


The Thorians


Masters of the skyway.



Colonel Vincenc Rezek

"Masters of the skyway."
— FECG motto, c. 23rd Century CE.

The Feros Colonial Guard (FECG), also known as the Feros Guard, was the Feros component of the Systems Alliance Colonial Army, and currently of the Systems Coalition Colonial Guard. Prior to the FECG's activation, Feros was a relatively small human colony centered around the Carian Skyline, one of the largest intact examples of prothean civilization left by the asari cycle, with the ExoGeni Corporation and its security division managing the defense of the colony as it grew: despite attempts to get a colonial guard set up on the colony, ExoGeni was insistent no such measures were necessary, and Colonial Affairs believed the planet was beneath the notice of raiders and pirates. Despite this, in 2183 CE, the colony came under heavy attack by the forces of Saren's Alliance during the Battle of Feros, with most of the ExoGeni security KIA and the colonists only just managing to survive thanks to the timely intervention of the Normandy Squad, and the enhanced group-think imposed upon them by the plant-being that had infected and taken control of them, a control they were soon freed of at the end of the battle due to the death of the creature. The colony, aided by one of Saren's former agents Shiala R'Ness, blackmailed ExoGeni into forwarding their petition directly to the Alliance Parliament, threatening to leak ExoGeni's Thorian experiment if they didn't cooperate: ExoGeni was forced to concede, supporting a vote of no confidence in their security division's ability to adequately defend Feros, and that a colonial guard detachment would be necessary. The colonists of Zhu's Hope had most of their most capable fighting men and women, along with former ExoGeni rent-a-cops who had abandoned the company, join together to form an armed militia, and once the Alliance Parliament unanimously agreed to form the FECG, they became the first members of the new Feros Colonial Guard not long after the Eden Prime War came to an end.

The FECG was unique amongst the colonial guard detachments of other human colonies in that they possessed an exclusive advantage: remnants of the Thorian's group-think parasitic spores. While they were free of the Thorian's control, trace amounts of the spores managed to maintain the telepathic link that the Thorian had used to control them, with the link allowing them the limited ability to know what their fellow colonists were thinking. While this was limited to the original Zhu's Hope colony, and then again only those who had been infected by the Thorian, this gave the FECG a unique tactical advantage in combat that no other colonial guard unit could match, allowing them the ability to distribute commands to each other without even mouthing a word. Shiala R'Ness, who wished to repent for her involvement in aiding Saren Arterius, helped to train the FECG to harness this ability, which she also possessed, as well as providing the FECG unique Asari Commando-quality training: this made the FECG a deadly force to be reckoned with, and while newer members would find themselves unable to make use of the Thorian's abilities, they could take advantage of Shiala's special forces training. By 2185 CE, with Shiala's help, the FECG had fought off no less than six pirate attacks, each with the pirates taking heavy casualties without so much as a single FECG guardsmen being killed or even injured. As word spread throughout the galaxy of Feros' seemingly invincible guardsmen, attacks on Feros stopped altogether. An attempt by an asari genetics firm on Illium to trick the people of Feros, and by extension the FECG, into allowing invasive genetic procedures to be performed on them for the purpose of researching the effect of the spores on the asari brain was thwarted by Marcus L. Shepard and Shiala, who managed to convince one of the researchers spearheading the survey to dissolve the contract and start over. These unique abilities came into play again when the Reapers attacked the planet on 4 June 2186 CE. The FECG was able to hold off wave after wave of Reaper attacks while civilians were evacuated, but the FECG suffered significant losses in the process. Despite this, a large portion of the FECG was able to escape, including most of the Thorian-enhanced members, but Shiala was killed during the battle. While the FECG was deactivated, its members were assigned as their own specialized shock troop unit of the Marine Corps, and continued to fight for the rest of the Reaper War.

Following the end of the war, the FECG's was reactivated and its surviving members returned to Feros to rebuild their home. The FECG did not participate in the Post-Apocalyptic War or the Terra-Rannochian War, and by 2240 CE, the final Thorian-enhanced member passed away, and the trait was not passed down, meaning their children were free of the spores. When the Dominion Civil War broke out in late 2252 CE, Feros initially remained loyal to the Systems Coalition, but the FECG was able to launch a successful coup d'etat, seizing control of the colony and declaring for the DDF. After the civil war, the FECG has resumed its role and has done so ever since.

History[edit | edit source]

Formation[edit | edit source]