ExoGeni Corporation


ExoGeni Corporation



Interstellar travel


Negan Bradberry


12 September 2117 CE - 29 November 2248 CE
(131 years, 2 months and 17 days)


ExoGeni Board of Directors


Lowell City, Mars

  • Feros headquarters (former headquarters)
  • Nodacrux facility
  • Chasca facility
  • Ontarom facility
  • Luna facility
  • Earth facility
Area served:

Alliance Space


Negan Bradberry (2149 CE - 2186 CE)
Alfred Mays (2186 CE - 2201 CE)
Bill France (2201 CE - 2248 CE)

Key people:
  • Colonization
  • Colonial expansion
  • Aid and funding in establishment of colonies
Number of employees:

1.2 million employees

Extranet site:


"Planetary exploration is our frontier."
— ExoGeni's motto.

ExoGeni Corporation, formerly known as ExoGenetics Corp, was a human interstellar corporation specializing in human exploration and colonization. ExoGeni had been at the forefront of human expansion since the 2140s, and funded the lost expedition to Alpha Centauri. The company would later be one of the key investors in the Andromeda Initiative in the 2170s to 2180s. The company was first founded in 2117 CE, funding global efforts to not just colonize Mars, but colonize the many worlds waiting for humanity: ExoGeni bankrolled many of the new colonial initiatives spawned by the Systems Alliance following the ratification of the charter, and it quickly established a monopoly on the business of settling new worlds. After the First Contact War, ExoGeni's business only continued to boom in the new galactic economy it now inhabited, and it would continue to bankroll colonial efforts in the Attican Traverse, and even the Terminus Systems, despite the inherent dangers.

The conclusion of the Eden Prime War saw colonial enrollment drop sharply, with most humans becoming too paranoid about the dangers of colonial life to invest, and ExoGeni's stock dropped by a significant margin by 2184 CE. ExoGeni was also being blackmailed by the Zhu's Hope colony on Feros, with the Thorian experiment leaving the surviving colonists embittered towards ExoGeni but who promised to not expose the company if they continued to bankroll the colony, which they did. When the Reaper War hit, ExoGeni was one of thousands of companies galaxy-wide that took a massive hit, with many of their resources being invested into helping the war effort, and their home offices on Earth and Mars totally destroyed: as a result, ExoGeni faced near collapse after the war, and had to significantly downsize their personnel and resources in order to survive in the post-war environment. The company was struggling to survive, and continued to struggle along after the Post-Apocalyptic War. It was eventually outcompeted by the Solar Audacious Corporation, which had the advantage of greater influence and promotion from the Galactic Dominion itself. As such, ExoGeni was finally absorbed by the SAC in 2248 CE.

History[edit | edit source]

Founding[edit | edit source]