Type-10 Directed Energy Shotgun


Type-10 "Mark X" DESG
Geth Pulse Shotgun.png
Production information


Geth Armoury


Mark X




3,000,000 credits


9 October 2108 CE


7 December 2183 CE

Technical information



Damage per hit:


Magazine size:


Maximum ammunition:


Fire mode:


Ammunition type:

Plasma eruption


Gas operated

Rate of fire:



Moderate (66)


200-300 meters



Asari Cycle
Pax Galactica Era


Mark XII plasma shotgun


GethInsignia.png Geth

Saren'sAlliance.png Geth Heretics
Numerous other governments, PMCs, corporations


The Type-10 Directed Energy Shotgun, more commonly known as the Geth Pulse Shotgun and by specific model number as the Mark X Shotgun, was a pump-action heat sink-based thermal clip-fed directed energy heavy shotgun manufactured by the Geth Armoury. Manufactured and entering service in 2108 CE, the Mark X pulse shotgun was the dedicated shotgun of the geth military juggernaut, replacing the outdated Mark IX pulse shotgun with an updated design and to further reflect geth advances in technology. The Mark X pulse shotgun was a mainstay of the more powerful geth troop classes, namely those that specialized in close combat, with the pulse shotgun firing harsh, plasma-based pulses of energy that eviscerate anything within the immediate blast radius of the weapon, while splash damage would spill over a larger area afterwards, immediately melting anything it came into contact with. The Mark X was used to devastating effect against Alliance marines during the Eden Prime War who were not prepared for the weapon's horrifying effects, with their armor and shields rendered defenseless against the shotgun's overwhelming force. The Mark X came equipped with a state-of-the-art recoil dampener that removed almost all recoil from the weapon, allowing it to be used in quick succession without sacrificing accuracy. Another advancement of the Mark X was its implementation of the geth's then-invention of the thermal clip, which removed the limitations of heat mitigation systems and allowed a geth unit to manually remove excess heat from their weapon instantly, effectively unleashing the full potential of the weapon and rendering block-fed weapons obsolete. Design-wise, the Mark X pulse shotgun is identical to the geth pulse rifle.

The Mark X was the go-to shotgun for the Geth Heretics in their war on the Alliance during the Eden Prime War, where many were captured by Alliance forces following the string of heretic defeats that followed the Normandy Squad's involvement. This eventually led to the rest of the galaxy adopting the geth's thermal clip invention by 2184 CE, although they were still unable to crack the more advanced mechanics behind the Mark X. This ultimately proved moot regardless, as the geth, constantly tweaking and improving upon their designs, introduced the Mark XII shotgun into their arsenal only a year after the Eden Prime War, which replaced the Mark X in its entirety. This new weapon was known as a "plasma shotgun", ditching the "pulse shotgun" concept in favor of a more concentrated, precision-based weapon for greater damage and accuracy. The geth heretics were able to gain access to this weapon in the years following the Eden Prime War, equipping their Hunter-class platforms with the new shotgun, totally phasing out their old supply of Mark X pulse shotguns.

Design Details[edit | edit source]