State of Greater Washington


State of Greater Washington
State of the United North American States
2099 CE - 2186 CE
Political information

Type of government:

State government. Constitutional democracy

Founding document:

Pact for the Unification of the Americas


Constitution of the United North American States

Head of government:

Governor Tyrell King (last)


Governor Tyrell King (last)


Greater Washington State Legislature


Greater Washington Supreme Court

Societal information



Official language:

Numerous North American languages


North American Dollar


Independence Day
Unity Day
Remembrance Day
Victory Day


The Leaf, the Stars and the Green Horizon

Historical information

Formed from:

State of Washington
Province of British Columbia


24 August 2099 CE - 3 June 2186 CE
(86 years, 9 months and 11 days)

Preceded by:

State of Washington

Province of British Columbia

Succeeded by:

State of Washington

Province of British Columbia

Greater Washington, officially the State of Greater Washington, was one of eighty-four different states of the United North American States, located in the pacific northwest region of the country. Before the Second American Civil War, the region was split between the US state of Washington, and the Canadian province of British Columbia. The end of the civil war, and the formation of the UNAS, saw numerous new partitions being drawn up and borders being redefined as Canada and the US united to become one country: one of these changes saw Washington and the southern half of British Columbia merged together to become the State of Greater Washington, with the capital now centered at the super-city of Vancouver-Seattle. It was one of the most prosperous states of the UNAS by 2183 CE, with Vancouver-Seattle revered as the crown jewel of not just the state, but the whole country.

The State of Greater Washington lasted just under a century until the Reaper War. The devastation of the conflict saw the near complete collapse of Earth-based nations following the war, with the UNAS splintering into numerous proto-states that proceeded to persist for many decades to come. The State of Greater Washington was once again partitioned, with the former Washington half being annexed by the CASS, and most of the former Canadian half being reclaimed by the Canadian League. The state was never reunited, and remained divided even after the Terran War.

History[edit | edit source]