Regent's Slaver Command


Regent's Slaver Command


20 August 1550 CE - 14 February 2198 CE


Hegemony Slaver Corps


Batarian Hegemony


Regent's Slaver Command - Terminus Operations
Regent's Slaver Command - Homeland Operations
Regent's Slaver Command - Attican Operations


Combatant subcommand


Astrographic central command of the Hegemony Slaver Corps


19 high-ranking personnel

Part of:

Hegemony Supreme Forces Command


Rekalhafg, Khar'Shan


"Bringing purity to the tainted."


Dark green and white


Ragbastar Day
Confederation Week
Hegemony Day
Supreme Regent's Birthday
Batarian Pride Week



General Acrerag Red'gah (last)


The Regent's Slaver Command was an operational subcommand of the Hegemony Armed Forces under the Hegemony Supreme Forces Command that was in direct command of all elements, personnel, resources, installations and equipment of the Hegemony Slaver Corps. Unlike the other three branches of the Hegemony military, the Hegemony Slaver Corps was formed twelve years after the Hegemony's founding as a completely unique branch and not a successor to a former branch of the defunct People's Liberation Forces of Khar'Shan, therefore the Regent's Slaver Command was founded completely uniquely of any former counterparts, and was composed of new personnel and recently promoted commanders assigned for this specialized subcommand. The Regent's Slaver Command was responsible for the oversight and management of the Slaver Corps and all slaver operations partaken by the Hegemony military was initiated and conducted through them, with their sphere of influence encompassing almost the entirety of the Hegemony's slave trade, which made up the vast bulk of the batarian state's economy and finances. While it was a smaller branch than the Army and Navy, the Slaver Corps was allocated much of the military's defense budget, meaning it was the most well equipped, supplied and funded of the branches in spite of its size, which was necessary to maintain the numerous operations they conducted on a daily basis within and outside the Hegemony, operating as far as the Terminus Systems. In times of war, the Regent's Slaver Command has the unique role of handling captured POWs, utilizing and deploying slaves for use as laborers, and the deployment of paramilitary forces to assist alongside the Army and Navy in offensive and defensive combat operations. The senior commanding officer of the of the Regent's Slaver Command by 2198 CE, as appointed by the Supreme Regent, was General Acrerag Red'gah, and he was subsequently the last to hold this position.

When the Batarian Hegemony was dissolved by the Treaty of Khar'Shan, the Regent's Slaver Command was completely dissolved with the rest of the Slaver Corps and its remaining assets, resources, personnel and equipment transferred to the new Batarian Ground Forces and Batarian Naval Forces. With the new batarian constitution rendering the institution of slavery illegal and stripping it from every facet of batarian society, the Slaver Corps was able to be held accountable officially as a criminal enterprise and every surviving member of the Regent's Slaver Command was arrested and put on trial, although some tried to escape and were later captured. By 6 June 2198 CE, the Sancotor Trials were brought to an end with guilty verdicts determined for every one accused and every single member of the former Regent's Slaver Command was executed the following day on 7 June.

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