Virmire Heretic Fortress


Virmire Heretic Fortress
Historical information


17 August 2162 CE


11 July 2183 CE


Saren Arterius' and geth heretics' base of operations
Headquarters of Saren's Alliance

Facility information


Saren's Alliance



"Saren's base of operations. He's set up a research facility here, but it's crawling with geth and very well fortified."
— Captain Kirrahe.

The Virmire Heretic Fortress, also known as the Geth Heretic Base of Operations on Virmire, was a large and heavily defended geth heretic base that doubled as a fortress, research facility and krogan breeding ground. Documented as one of the most heavily defended fortresses ever encountered, the Virmire base served as Saren Arterius' base of operations during the Eden Prime War, and the headquarters of Saren's Alliance. Set up by the geth heretics as late as 2162 CE, the base had been operating as the geth heretic home base before the Eden Prime War even began. 

The base was famously destroyed when the drive core of a salarian troop transport, the SUV Endeavour Dates, was detonated by Ashley Williams, the resulting nuclear explosion consuming the entire base in 2183 CE at the conclusion of the Battle of Virmire.

History[edit | edit source]

Construction[edit | edit source]