


14,220,631 km²








Republic of Annigeh
Annigeh Triple Alliance
Second Annigeh Republic


Greater Quarian Republic
Rannochian Coalition
Republic of Rannoch


Uma'Waz is a subcontinent of the Uma'Yirinbar continent in the Southern hemisphere of Rannoch. The smallest subcontinent of the three that make up Uma'Yirinbar, Uma'Waz is famous for being the birthplace of Reby the Pathfinder, the founder of Clan Zorah, and would later be the chosen location for the capital city of El'Tivv. Uma'Waz is held sacred in quarian history books, largely due to it being Reby'Zorah's birthplace, who was famous for almost bringing an end to the endless wars between clans that had defined a decent chunk of quarian history, with her husband and former enemy finishing the job after she was betrayed and murdered by one of her own generals. It was also the chosen home of Sar's grandson Jahe'Jomis the Guardian, Keetor the Avatar and Feese the Builder, and the site where Sar'Reegar summoned the remaining clan seshya to sign the Turaka Agreement at the city of Turaka, forming the first modern quarian nation-state.

After the First Morning War, Uma'Waz was cleaned up by the geth and scoured clean of rubble and debris from the war: they also established a fortress there, and centralized their operations on the planet around the subcontinent. When the Second Morning War came to an end in 2186 CE, Uma'Waz was chosen to establish the new quarian capital of El'Tivv. It was also chosen by Marcus L. Shepard and his wife Tali'Zorah as their place of retirement once the Reaper War ended, and despite Shepard's death in the war, Tali went forward and built the house, which would become her permanent residence for the remainder of her life.

History[edit | edit source]