Tuchankan Military Confederacy
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Political information | |
Type of government: |
Regicidal elective chiefdom |
Founding document: |
Constitution: |
Head of State: |
Overlord Urdnot Wrex (first) |
Head of government: |
Chief Speaker Gramar Guraki (first) |
Commander-in-chief: |
Overlord Urdnot Wrex (first) |
Executive: |
Overlord of the Confederacy |
Legislative: |
Judicial: |
Military: |
Societal information | |
Capital: |
Official language: |
Currency: |
Credit (2190 CE - 2216 CE) |
Official religion: |
No state religion, although reverence for the thresher maw Kalros and the ancient krogan pantheon were popular |
Holidays: |
Day of the Firestorm |
Anthem: |
Historical information | |
Formed from: |
United Krogan Clans |
Dates: |
8 January 2190 CE - present
Preceded by: |
United Krogan Clans |
- "This confederacy is as krogan civilization should have been. The chance we never got, now ours for the taking."
- — Urdnot Wrex describing the Confederacy.
The Tuchankan Military Confederacy, simply known as the Confederacy, also known as the Krogan Confederacy and the Tuchankan Confederacy, and formally known as the Confederated Clans of Tuchanka, is the representative body of Tuchanka, its clans and krogan colonies from 2190 CE to present. A project in the making ever since Urdnot Wrex returned to seize leadership of Clan Urdnot in late 2183 CE, the Confederacy emerged from the ashes of the Reaper War as the first unified krogan state to rule over Tuchanka in just under 1500 years. After a millennia of devastating civil conflict between the hundreds of krogan clans following the dissolution of the Tuchankan Empire, Urdnot Wrex was finally successful in uniting all krogan clans under his rule by 2186 CE, requiring three years of conquest and subjugation to achieve this goal. Although initially motivated by a need to see his people overcome the genophage and finally begin to progress as a species, the Reaper threat added further motivation into the mix, with a unified krogan state needed to adequately defend their planet. The United Krogan Clans joined the UGC not long after the genophage was cured, and when the Reaper War was over, it was decided that the UKC would need to be reformed into a lasting, permanent krogan government. Summoning the chieftains of every clan to a Crush, Wrex and Urdnot Bakara proposed the idea of the Confederacy. After only a few years of discussion and disagreement, the agreement was finalized in 2190 CE, and thus the Krogan Confederacy was born.
The Krogan Confederacy was a carefully designed state that aimed to avoid the flaws that ultimately brought down the Tuchankan Empire, and to improve upon what worked. The Empire, whilst powerful, was rotten and unstable at its core, constantly fraught with corruption and intra-conflict that constantly shook up the structure of the krogan political and military leadership and this, coupled with the Empire's hyper-aggression towards its neighbors, ultimately proved to be one of many factors that caused its downfall. Wrex was determined to avoid these mistakes and move the krogan on a new path as a respectable member of the galactic community, and under his leadership the Confederacy was turned away from thoughts of vengeance for the genophage and towards economic growth, political stability and territorial security. Having already reclaimed the home system, the Confederacy quickly laid claim to the rest of the cluster, renaming it to its ancestral name of Althak Vepar. The years following the birth of the Confederacy was followed by measured expansion by the krogan, taking planets offered to them by the New Council and maintaining good relations with their neighbors, and finally granted a spot of their own on the Council. Being a confederation of krogan clans, the clans held autonomy within the larger state, and thus could claim land, maintain their own forces, hold territory and settle disputes where they saw fit, only deferring to the Overlord or the Assembly in matters that affected all krogan, such as war, treason, foreign policy, and so forth. This system allowed the clans their autonomy but still granted the Overlord and the Assembly the ability to guide the future of the krogan species. The clans were all represented within the Assembly, with chosen ambassadors from each clan holding a seat in the krogan government. From these ambassadors an Overlord would be chosen, the head of state: when a clan wished to challenge the ruling clan for the overlordship, their ambassador would choose a champion to fight for them (this could include themselves), and that champion would fight the Overlord for leadership. If the Overlord was killed, the clan won the right to the overlordship, and could choose their own Overlord. If defeated, the Overlord would continue to rule. When/if the Overlord died of natural causes, a vote would be held in the Assembly to decide which clan would best represent the state's interests, and that clan would then have to fight a chosen champion for the right to the overlordship. If the chosen clan defeated the champion, they could choose the Overlord; if defeated, the Assembly would choose the next Overlord from among their own ranks. This system was a refinement of the original Imperial system, in which the Archlord would be endlessly challenged for their authority, resulting in a bloodbath that would usually result in much of the krogan political and military leadership being constantly shaken up due to dead commanders/politicians piling up. The new system ensured stability and placed a cap on how much an Overlord could be challenged, ensuring a more stable government whilst also satisfying all contenders with a system that promised equal opportunity for all clans to have a place in the Assembly. Despite this, Urdnot Wrex suffered no challenges under his leadership, his reputation and the mythos surrounding it causing most krogan to greatly respect him, and even those minority that hated him preferred to see Wrex as Overlord than risk change that might cripple their nation before it had a chance to grow.
The Confederacy faced its first major crisis as a nation with the rise of the Galactic Dominion. Despite being a close friend of Commander Shepard when he was alive, he chose not to involve the krogan in the Terra-Rannochian Pact and the growing movement between Rannoch and Earth to secede from the New Council, instead pushing to maintain friendly diplomatic ties with the New Council whilst remaining neutral on the topic of the Dominion's rise to power: for instance, even after secession, the Confederacy opened up new trade deals with the Dominion, and continued to do so even while the New Hellespont Crisis was escalating. With open war breaking out between the Dominion and New Council in 2205 CE, the Confederacy remained with the New Council, fighting against the Dominion. The addition of krogan ground troops and ships to the New Council's forces was enough to hold the line against the Dominion in the early years of the conflict, but eventually the Confederacy was pushed back, with krogan forces withdrawn to defend krogan space. This action allowed Wrex to defend krogan space from Dominion offensives, but it also bottled up the Confederacy and stopped it from assisting its allies, and in light of this new defensive strategy, the Dominion were able to almost effortlessly mop up the other New Council races. By the end of the war in 2215 CE, the Confederacy had not budged from its defense lines, and by all accounts could hold out against the Dominion for decades more, but Wrex instead chose to sue for peace, acknowledging that to continue the war would be pointless. Despite taking up arms against them, the Dominion was uncharacteristically merciful towards the Confederacy, not only allowing them to retain autonomy, but allowing them to join the Galactic Dominion as a member. Their acceptance granted the Confederacy many concessions, gaining dozens of new clusters and systems, and occupying former Council worlds. Trade opened up again with Rannoch and Earth, and any lingering animosity towards the Confederacy largely died off within a decade. Under the Dominion, the Confederacy only continued to expand and flourish, providing troops and ships for Operation Silent Zealot and assuming occupation duties over Palaven following the Cipritine Uprising in 2218 CE. Wrex remained as Overlord throughout this period, trusted by the Dominion as a strong leader who could keep the clans in check and whose shrewd political and strategic mind meant he was an invaluable ally. Perhaps ironically, this decision to allow Wrex to remain as Overlord would position the Confederacy as the centerpiece that would ultimately undo the entire Dominion.
In 2253 CE, Commander Shepard was revealed to be alive, having fled Rannoch after escaping from Prometheus, who also killed his wife, Tali'Shepard. Shepard made sure the latter was leaked to the public before he left, sparking immense civil unrest on Rannoch and making him a priority target for assassination by Prometheus. Shepard, lacking allies and on the run, turned to the only ally he knew he had left: Wrex. Unwilling to betray another friend, and realizing his people had been manipulated from the very start, Wrex mobilized the entire Confederacy for war, petitioning before the Assembly that they immediately secede from the Dominion and declare war and, with help from an impassioned, enraged Shepard, managed to successfully convince them. The Confederacy's secession was the domino that caused the entire deck to fall, with the Rannochian War that had been waging for a couple weeks at this point exploding into full-scale civil war and, only half a month later, Earth as well, followed by the rest of the Dominion. This krogan-led coalition of separatist forces would ultimately be victorious in bringing down the Dominion, although Wrex would be murdered towards the end of the conflict during an attempt to get the Titan Covenant involved. Following the war, a new Overlord would be elected in Wrex's stead, with Urdnot Mordin initially chosen as his father's son, but when he turned down the offer, Urdnot Kharm was ultimately chosen after he bested the Assembly's champion. After signing the Virmire Accords, the Confederacy helped to spearhead the new Unified Galactic Republics, and ultimately becoming its chief military power. The Confederacy would later provide ships and troops to the GAE fleet in 2826 CE, bringing its influence, for the first time, to a new galaxy. By 2940 CE, the Confederacy had established numerous military outposts and colonies across the Andromeda Galaxy, providing protection and security for many native species to those who wished it and beating back numerous invasions from others, including a particularly bloody war with a violent race known as the Acrud in 2977 CE in which the Confederacy was victorious, but not without heavy casualties and many worlds having been laid waste. The Confederacy counterinvaded in 2978 CE, conquering many worlds and driving back the Acrud, but the war eventually dragged to a stalemate and has continued for over a century, neither side willing to concede defeat but also unwilling to commit more resources to a victory, with the Acrud refusing to surrender but unable to muster a strong enough offensive, and the Confederacy having paid too high a price for each Acrud planet they captured, and the Acrud fighting savagely for every scrap of land. Their war continues to this day.
By 2945 CE, the Confederacy's capital in Andromeda was centered at Britarok in the Althak Sugar cluster.