Synthetic Insights, Ltd.


Synthetic Insights, Limited

Research and development


Computer software/computer hardware/electronics


Fora'Weezh pav Jaese'Wufor


27 October 894 CE - present
(2105 years, 2 months and 5 days (and counting))


Synthetic Insights Board of Directors


Jaese'Wufor (894 CE - 1896 CE)
Taetrus (1896 CE - 2215 CE)
Jaese'Wufor (2215 CE - present)

Area served:

Entirety of the Milky Way Galaxy


Tanculus (current)

Key people:

Lorik Qui'in

Number of employees:

7.2 million employees

Extranet site:

"Tech is our arm, and that arm is extending."
— SI's motto.

Synthetic Insights, Ltd. (SI) is a multi-species technology corporation specializing in the creation of new technologies, both military and civilian, and was one of the four corporations legally licensed by the Council to experiment with artificial intelligence. Synthetic Insights initially started out as a quarian company, founded by Fora'Weezh, and was formerly headquartered on Jaese'Wufor, the planet where Synthetic Insights was created. Founded in 894 CE, Synthetic Insights quickly grew to become one of the premiere technology firms in the galaxy, paving the way in technologies such as robotics, VIs and computers, only heightening the lead the quarians had in their tech race with the salarians. In 1350 CE, Synthetic Insights became one of three, later four, companies to secure a license to continue researching artificial intelligence, an act that had become heavily restricted, if not outright banned, across Citadel space after the Twelve Days' War in 1339 CE. Owning such a license gave Synthetic Insights an edge over its competitors, aside from the other three companies that owned them, allowing it to make significant headways in the development of artificial intelligence. By 1000 CE, Synthetic Insights had branched out and become a multi-species company, hiring from virtually every species within Citadel space, allowing it to open hundreds more offices across the Milky Way, and even far away in the Terminus Systems, greatly extending the company's reach and influence, although the CEO and senior leadership always remained quarian, as was the company's tradition due to its quarian roots. The company also established an office at Port Hanshan on Noveria in 1416 CE, investing capital in the Noveria Development Corporation by quite a large amount, and made use of Peak 7's laboratories at least three times.

Synthetic Insights faced its first major crisis with the First Morning War. The successful geth uprising against their creators resulted in the sudden and violent collapse of the Greater Quarian Republic, leading to chaos in galactic markets and a massive refugee crisis. The outrage regarding the revelation that the geth were rogue AIs, essentially meaning the quarians had violated Council law, had rendered the Council unsympathetic to the plight of the quarians, and the quarians were left to fend for themselves. As quarians everywhere dropped everything to drop their brethren in exile, Synthetic Insights were in a precarious situation, being a quarian company that had now lost its headquarters. The decision was reached that the quarian CEO and all quarian employees would resign their posts, and a turian became the first non-quarian CEO in the company's history, and the company moved its headquarters to Taetrus. An investigation by Citadel Security exonerated Synthetic Insights of any involvement in developing the geth, and after a few years of Synthetic Insights pleading its case in court, the Council ultimately decided to allow the company to keep its license to research artificial intelligence. After this hiccup, Synthetic Insights would go on to develop many new technologies, none more famous than their greybox technology released in 2160 CE, and their SleepEasy series of security VIs. With the invention of the mech in 2184 CE, Synthetic Insights released the SleepEasy Gen II series, which incorporated their own mech design and accompanying electronic suites, although it was nowhere near as successful as Hahne-Kedar's RAGNAROK line of mechs. Despite negative press as a result of the geth attacks in the Eden Prime War, Synthetic Insights continued to thrive as a company, although it significantly pulled back research on AI due to a lack of interest in pursuing it at the time.

During the Reaper War in 2186 CE, Synthetic Insights secured a contract with the UGC encouraging it to expedite its AI research, with the hopes of developing weapons to counter the Reapers. Following the completion of the Second Morning War, the company secured a second contract with the Rannochian Coalition to develop defenses against Reaper hijacking in order to protect the geth from another attempt to subvert them, although neither contract ultimately produced anything by war's end. Much of the research conducted and their results were archived after the war, but were brought up again during the Post-Apocalyptic War when Synthetic Insights were contracted by the New Council to develop countermeasures against the geth. Synthetic Insights was able to develop a few weapons, but by the time they were finished and entered active service, the war was over and they never had a chance to make a meaningful impact. After the war, Synthetic Insights was seized by the quarian government, who returned it to quarian control and fired all remaining employees, replacing them with quarians and geth and moving the headquarters back to the re-established colony on Jaese'Wufor. By 2225 CE, the company was once again entirely quarian, now also with geth members, and began extensive research into ways to improve geth resilience to anti-synthetic weaponry, as well as improve existing technology for Dominion troops in the field. After the Dominion Civil War, the company, for the final time, became multi-species again, opening itself up to employees of numerous species. Following the UGR's successful colonization of the Andromeda Galaxy, Synthetic Insights developed several offices across the UGR colonies, and began hiring from the native species, including Angara and Kett.

History[edit | edit source]

Founding[edit | edit source]