

Superdreadnoughts, sometimes referred to as Super-DreadnoughtsHeavy Dreadnoughts and often shortened to Super-Dreads or SDs, is a class of warship designed to combine the roles of a battleship and dreadnought into one, with the purpose of being capable of decimating an enemy fleet and raze a planet's surface. Only deployed during significant engagements, during an invasion/attack of a highly important strategic target or when defending valuable structures/fortifications, superdreadnoughts are often massive in size, possess a vast amount of devastating weaponry, has powerful shields and armor and can decimate enemy forces individually; this makes superdreadnoughts the most powerful class of warship in existence. Whilst initially the term was a colloquial term used to identify a vessel more powerful than a dreadnought, the term eventually became official military jargon, especially when the quarian military built a second geth superdreadnought. Very few ships of this ship class will be present in any naval force, largely due to the enormous costs associated with building them, including the time needed to build one and the maintenance costs needed to keep it in service. Many navies often only field superdreadnoughts in times of war, with the ships being mothballed during peace-time.

Known Classes of Superdreadnought[edit | edit source]