Ship Name Initials and Identifiers
Ship Name Initials and Identifiers are the initials placed before the name of a ship to provide the identity of that ship's affiliation, and are not to be confused with hull classification symbols, which are only used by the Systems Alliance/Systems Coalition navies. The following is a list of every ship name initial and identifier known to exist.
List of Known Initials and Identifiers[edit | edit source]
Human[edit | edit source]
- SSV: Systems Service Vessel - Used from 2149 CE to 2191 CE.
- CAW: Cerberus Assault Warship - Used from 2158 CE to 2186 CE.
- CSV: Coalition Service Vessel - Used from 2191 CE to present.
- NAS: North American Ship - Used from 2099 CE to present.
- SAUN: South American Union Navy - Used from 2054 CE to present.
- EUNS: European Union Navy Ship - Used from 2021 CE to present.
- NAPS: North African Protectorate Ship - Used from 2027 CE to present.
- USSA: United States of South Africa - Used from 2027 CE to present.
- MECS: Middle Eastern Confederacy Ship - Used from 2019 CE to present.
- HMOS: Her/His Majesty's Oceanic Ship - Used from 2104 CE to present.
- RFS: Russian Federation Ship - Used from 1991 CE to present.
- UAN: United Asian Navy - Used from 2122 CE to present.
- ISS: Intelligence and Surveillance Ship - Used from 2191 CE to present.
Salarian[edit | edit source]
- SUV: Salarian Union Vessel - Used from 600 BCE to present.
- FGS: Federation of the Gagujs Ship - Used from 1087 BCE to 600 BCE.
- CCV: Commonwealth of Curnirn Vessel - Used from 1003 BCE to 600 BCE.
- PROS: People's Republic of Orstann Ship - Used from 874 BCE to 600 BCE.
- KBS: Kingdom of Buhall Ship - Used from 982 BCE to 600 BCE.
Turian[edit | edit source]
- THS: Turian Hierarchy Ship - Used from 341 BCE to present.
- TIN: Turian Imperial Navy - Used from 681 CE to 341 BCE.
- Aephus.
- Taetrus.
- Thracia.
- Parthia.
- Pheiros.
- Invictus.
- Rocam.
- NRS: Navy of Romulus Ship - Used from 699 CE to 341 BCE.
- NLV: Navy of Librus Ship - Used from 699 CE to 341 BCE.
- NAV: Navy of Altakiril Vessel - Used from 698 CE to 341 BCE.
- NBS: Navy of Baetika Ship - Used from 699 CE to 341 BCE.
- NCW: Navy of Carthaan Warship - Used from 697 CE to 341 BCE.
- NSH: Navy of the Supreme Heptarchy - Used from 701 CE to 341 BCE.
- Bostra
- Chatti
- Digeris
- Macedyn
- Edessan
- Galatana
- Nimines
- NES: Navy of Epyrus Ship - Used from 700 CE to 749 CE.
- NGV: Navy of Gothis Vessel - Used from 700 CE to 749 CE.
- QUAS: Quadrumvirate Ship - Used from 701 CE to 749 CE.
- Magna.
- Syglar.
- Xerceo.
- Tridend.
- AHS: Aemilionian Hierarchy Ship - Used from 1214 BCE to 681 CE.
- HMFS: His/Her Majesty's Flopilian Ship - Used from 1285 BCE to 681 CE.
- CAV: Confederation of the Adrapanus Vessel - Used from 1302 BCE to 681 CE.
- SRV: State of Romullienus Vessel - Used from 1264 BCE to 681 CE.
- HQS: Hierarchy of Quimus Ship - Used from 1056 BCE to 681 CE.
Asari[edit | edit source]
- ARW: Asari Republican Warship - Used from 726 BCE to present.
- SAS: State of Armali Ship - Used from 1643 BCE to 726 BCE.
- SIV: State of Illium Vessel - Used from 1477 BCE to 726 BCE.
- SKS: State of Kurinth Ship - Used from1384 BCE to 726 BCE.
- SLS: State of Lessus Ship - Used from 1662 BCE to 726 BCE.
Quarian/Geth[edit | edit source]
- ARN: Annigeh Republican Navy - Used from 80 BCE to 1896 CE.
- ZMRS: Zal'Matesh Republican Navy - Used from 80 BCE to 1896 CE.
- RPS: Republic of Poltane'r Ship - Used from 80 BCE to 1896 CE.
- NGR: Navy of the Greater Republic - Used from 78 CE to 1896 CE.
- QMFV: Quarian Migrant Fleet Vessel - Used from 1897 CE to 2186 CE.
- RCS: Rannochian Coalition Ship - Used from 2186 CE to present.
- RNS: Rannochian Navy Ship - Used from 2188 CE to present.
Elcor[edit | edit source]
- CDS: Courts of Dekuuna Ship - Used from 1049 CE to present.
Hanar[edit | edit source]
- HPV: Hanar Primacy Vessel - Used from 188 CE to present.
Volus[edit | edit source]
- PDV: Protectorate Defense Vessel - Used from 807 CE to present.
Batarian[edit | edit source]
- BPSK: Batarian People's Ship of Khar'Shan - Used from 1085 CE to 1538 CE.
- BRS: Batarian Regent Ship - Used from 1538 CE to present.
- HTV: Hegemony of Titan Vessel - Used from [unknown] to present.
Krogan[edit | edit source]
- RHS: Republic of Hagalok Ship - Used from 1679 BCE to 8 BCE.
- DTV: Dominion of Trisek'lok Vessel - Used from 1685 BCE to 8 BCE.
- EDS: Empire of Dedklok - Used from 1912 BCE to 1748 BCE.
- EEDS: Eastern Empire of Dedklok Ship - Used from 1748 BCE to 8 BCE.
- WEDS: Western Empire of Dedklok Ship - Used from 1748 BCE to 8 BCE.
- SEDS: Southern Empire of Dedklok Ship - Used from 1737 BCE to 8 BCE.
- KIS - Krogan Imperial Ship - Used from 41 CE to 764 CE.
- TMCS - Tuchankan Military Confederacy Ship - Used from 2190 CE to present.
Raloi[edit | edit source]
- FTN: Federation of Turvess Navy - Used from 2190 CE to present.
Yahg[edit | edit source]
- PPS: Principality of Parnack Ship - Used from 2195 CE to present.
Tilthan[edit | edit source]
- SVC: Servant Vessel of the Connection - Used from [unknown] to present.
Sanctum[edit | edit source]
- GSS: Galactic Sanctum Ship - Used from [unknown] to present.
Prothean[edit | edit source]
- PISV: Prothean Imperial Service Vessel - Used from 74637 BCE to 47106 BCE.
Miscellaneous[edit | edit source]
- MSV: Merchant Space Vehicle - Used from 710 BCE to present.
- RPV: Registered Prison Vessel.
- AML: Asari Materials List.
- AIS: Andromeda Initiative Starship.
- ORS: Omega Republic Ship.
- ACS: Andromeda Colony Ship.