SSV Kilimanjaro


SSV Kilimanjaro


Alt text
Production information


Davo-Hamish Shipyards


Kilimanjaro-class dreadnought


Systems Alliance Navy

Technical information







Max acceleration:

1 kilometers per second

Engine unit(s):

Element Zero Drive Core

Power plant:

5 Element Zero drive cores


Kinetic Barrier


1000cm of Titanium-A4 Ablative Heavy Armor

Sensor systems:

  • Radar
  • Spectroscope

Targetting system:





Skeleton crew:





11 March 2163 CE


24 September 2186 CE


  • Pacify large contingents of enemy naval forces/force projection
  • Flagship



Sixth Fleet

Notable crew members:

Cmdr. Hannah R. Shepard (2168 CE - 2178 CE)


Fleet Admiral Osamu Nakamura


SSV Kilimanjaro HA-1 (Heavy Assault-1) was a Kilimanjaro-class dreadnought in the Alliance Navy. The head of its class, the Kilimanjaro was assigned to the Sixth Fleet under Admiral Osamu Nakamura as the flagship of the Sixth Fleet. The Kilimanjaro was the first of thirty-two Kilimanjaro-class dreadnoughts built for the Alliance Navy, to replace the first generation Everest-class which had proven woefully inferior to the turian dreadnoughts during the First Contact War, with the Alliance extremely unsatisfied with their ability to operate satisfactorily in their intended role. The Kilimanjaro, being the first of its class to roll out of the fleet yards, took all the lessons learnt from the Everest-class and incorporated massive improvements throughout its design, granting it the bristling arsenal and firepower the Alliance needed from its dreadnoughts, although the true test of the vessel's strength would come sooner than expected. The Kilimanjaro served in the Skyllian Blitz quite prestigiously, where its main gun alone scored numerous kills upon at least sixteen batarian destroyers, two battlecruisers and even another batarian dreadnought, easily proving its supremacy on the battlefield and eclipsing the performance of its Everest-class predecessor by leagues. After the Blitz, the Kilimanjaro remained on patrol duty with the rest of the Sixth Fleet for the next nine years, seeing very little action despite being an imposing presence whenever it appeared over Terra Nova to dispatch its crew for shore leave. Nakamura was pleased with the vessel, taking pride in the amount of action it had seen during the Battle of the Dhelile System.

The Kilimanjaro was assembled with the rest of the Sixth Fleet in the Asgard system on 2 June 2186 CE when the entire Sixth Fleet was ordered to mobilize over Terra Nova in response to what was believed to be a batarian invasion. The Kilimanjaro oversaw the subsequent evacuation efforts following Hackett's orders for the colony to be evacuated, and fired upon numerous Reaper vessels when their fleet arrived in order to draw attention away from the planet as long as possible for as many civilians to be evacuated as could be mustered, until finally it was forced to withdraw with the rest of the fleet. The Kilimanjaro would remain as Nakamura's command center during the rest of the Reaper War, taking part in many notable actions during Operation Hornet's Nest, and against Cerberus in Operation Defiant. The Kilimanjaro spearheaded the Sixth Fleet during the final battle over Earth, where the ship was destroyed during the battle, along with a large portion of the Sixth Fleet.

The ship was named after Mount Kilimanjaro, an inactive volcano in Tanzania within the former United States of South Africa.

Service History[edit | edit source]