- "Damn pyjaks. Offworld vermin. Some idiot brought those pests offworld by mistake. We had him killed of course, but it was too late to stop it. Now they're everywhere. In everything. Just keep them away from your food stores or you'll soon find yourself without any."
- — Vaksan Ratch.
Pyjaks (Latin: Lux Monachus, literally meaning "light monk"), colloquially referred to by humans as Space Monkeys, are a sentient organic bi/quadrupedal species native to their homeworld of Eletania and of the mammalia classification. Similar to the monkeys of Earth, pyjaks are omnivorous animals that usually travel in small groups known as "troops" that forage for food. In 2184 CE, a human scavenger who landed on Eletania to recover geth salvage left over from the Eden Prime War unknowingly had a troop of pyjaks stowaway aboard his ship, and he unwittingly spread them when he landed on Tuchanka to sell his salvage. The krogan had him executed when they discovered them, but by then it was too late. Gifted with a high breeding rate, the pyjaks bred like wildfire, and despite Tuchanka's harsh and toxic environment, they adapted quickly by staying close to krogan-occupied settlements, raiding food stores. Since then the pyjaks have spread to dozens of worlds, leading to them being classified as "pests" by virtually every planet they populate. Despite evolving without any natural predators on Eletania and lacking the ability to defend themselves, pyjaks are highly adaptable and intelligent, and have found a way to survive in a myriad of different environments.
Pyjaks operate in troops of five to ten, understanding that safety rests in numbers. Pyjaks are incredibly fast, and will scatter if they sense danger rather than attempt to fight, as they have no defense against larger predators. Despite this, pyjaks are very strong, capable of seriously injuring a full grown human male if they feel they they cannot escape. They are considered pests by most species for their high breeding rate and inate sense of curiosity, with pyjaks taking anything that isn't bolted down, from food to, puzzlingly, technology. The latter is of utmost interest to scientists, who've found that pyjaks will often steal pieces of technology and other materials that holds no value to them, yet pyjaks will use them often to construct nests or simply to collect them. Many scientists theorize that the pyjaks are actually more intelligent than initially given credit for, and that given another million or so years of evolution, the pyjaks would begin to achieve sapience, arguing further that their exposure to the galactic community and other sapient species and environments has only accelerated their growth.