Prime Minister of the Systems Alliance


Prime Minister of the Systems Alliance

Systems Alliance


25 August 2149 CE - 31 December 2191 CE


Position Defunct
(last incumbent was Michael Terez)


The Prime Minister of the Systems Alliance, also known as the Alliance Prime MinisterPrime Minister and Prime Minister of the Alliance, is the elected head of government of the Systems Alliance. As prime minister, they are the elected central leader of both their party and of the entire Systems Alliance, and are kept in check by their party and the people. 

The last prime minister of the Alliance was Michael Terez, who briefly held the position after his election in 2191 CE, before signing an executive order to dissolve the Systems Alliance, the state being replaced by its successor, the Systems Coalition. As such, Terez's office was dissolved, and replaced by that of the Prime Minister of the Systems Coalition, a position of which he assumed.

Role[edit | edit source]