Presidium Commons
The Presidium Commons was a large business area located on the Presidium, Citadel. It was home to numerous popular businesses such as Apollo's Cafe, Meridian Place Market, a Central Bank of the Citadel, Kanala Exports, Elkoss Combine, Aegohr Munitions, Cipritine Armoury, Kassa Fabrication and Nos Astra Sporting Goods facilities, an apartment block, a main courtyard and a central C-Sec outpost for policing. The area was quite popular and saw a lot of traffic, especially during the Reaper War. During the Eden Prime War, two quarians were caught in an assassination attempt near the outpost, and after the Citadel Siege, numerous anti-Cerberus demonstrations were held in the Presidium Commons, eventually leading to a successful assassination attempt by three beleaguered, former Alliance and C-Sec personnel on a captured Cerberus POW. Like the rest of the Presidium, the Presidium Commons was destroyed when the Citadel crashed into Eos in 2253 CE.