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Under 500,000 |
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Pax is a star system located in the Horse Head Nebula. In the asari cycle, the Pax system was one of the first systems colonized by the early Council's expeditions. The frozen planet, Noveria, began as a sparsely populated set of colonies, but would unify to become a corporate powerhouse underneath the new Council economy, persisting even through the Krogan Rebellions. However, Noveria's growing belligerence towards the Council's rule, and refusal to adhere to their laws, meant that Noveria would become the capital of the Horse Head autonomous region in due time, turning Noveria into the capital of a confederation of corporate interests and illegal and ethically dubious activities. Pax would retain this level of self-autonomy for many centuries to come, until its brief subjugation by the Reapers in 2186 CE, and its eventual surrender to Systems Coalition authority post-Reaper War.
The system is named for the Latin word Pax, which means "peace". It is also the name of the Roman deity Pax, the goddess of peace.