Parcela M'kila
Biological information | |
Born: |
February 29, 1238 CE |
Died: |
Physical information | |
Species: |
Gender: |
Feminine (Mono) |
Height: |
6.3ft |
Eyes: |
Blue |
Political and military information | |
Affiliation: |
Equipment: |
Command(s): |
Era: |
Asari Cycle |
Battle(s): |
- "This is a time for solutions, not problems. A time for unity, not segregation. This is a time for fighters, not dancers."
- — Parcela before announcing the Republican Emergency Conscription Act (2186).
President Parcela M'kila was the president of the Asari Republics from 1666 CE to 2186 CE. Born on Thessia, Parcela spent most of her early life as most asari did, engaging in sexual encounters, becoming a mercenary and has been married six times. Once her matron stage hit, she joined the asari navy, doing away with her previous life. After leaving the navy sixty years later, she became sexually abstinent for the rest of her life, refusing to bond or have sex with anyone, including fellow asari. She later joined the RBI, rising through the ranks to eventually become the Director of the RBI, and one of the few people aware of the Athame Project. Her experience eventually got her into the Senate, where she eventually landed herself as president. She remained president throughout the Reaper War, until her death when the Reapers invaded Thessia.
Parcela was the first to propose mandatory conscription when the Reaper War broke out, but the Senate voted it down, with the overwhelming majority agreeing that such a war should not change fundamental asari freedoms. Whether this stance ends up saving Thessia is an unknown matter.