Palaven Military Command


Palaven Military Command was the headquarters of the Armed Forces of Palaven and its Colonies located on the Spire of Talos in Cipritine, Secupia. Located in the center of the city and sharing the same structure as the Commune of the Hierarchs, Palaven Military Command was quite large, and was home to the Commune of the Armed Forces. Palaven Military Command was destroyed during the opening Reaper bombardment and invasion of the planet in 2186 CE. Its destruction was a massive blow to turian military morale, but it would later be rebuilt post-war, only to be demolished during the Occupation of Palaven to demoralize the turian people after an attempted rebellion. Finally, it was rebuilt a third time after the Dominion's collapse in 2253 CE.

History[edit | edit source]

Founding[edit | edit source]