Omega (nebula)


Omega Nebula

Nineteen Pillars of Ascension / Milky Way Galaxy
Bastion Space/ Milky Way Galaxy
Flarunium Realm / Milky Way Galaxy
Council space / Milky Way Galaxy
Geth space / Milky Way Galaxy
Sanctum space / Milky Way Galaxy




Sahrabarik Relay
Omega 4 Relay


22 billion (current est.)




Omega (de facto until 2189 CE, official until 2221 CE)
Alpha (2221 CE - present)


The Omega Nebula is a cluster located deep in the former Terminus Systems, and is the chosen seat of the Federation of Alpha. Heavily occupied throughout galactic history, the Omega Nebula has a long and troubled history, none better documented than its history in the asari cycle. Discovered and occupied by the Council races as early as 467 CE, the Omega Nebula would be occupied by a myriad of races ranging from elcor to batarian, while a Council-funded eezo-extraction company would establish a mining facility on one of the larger asteroids within the Sahrabarik system: this was brought to an end by the Krogan Rebellions, and shortly thereafter the Tuchankan Empire conquered the nebula, turning the eezo facility in the Sahrabarik into a powerful starfortress known as Omega. After the collapse of the krogan empire, Omega was left occupied by a staunch detachment of krogan warriors who stubbornly refused to surrender, only finally ousted by Drecuns Tanculus and his Terminian revolutionaries when he finally took the station, establishing it as the "lawless capital of the new Terminus Systems". Upon the conclusion of the Revolutions, the Omega Nebula was released permanently from Council control, where it became as lawless as the rest of the Terminus Systems, although many Council races continued to possess colonies in the cluster, although they largely governed themselves and became planetary states. The Omega Nebula became the unofficial heart of the Terminus Systems, a capital in all but name, with Omega as a coveted trading port for the entire region, and traffic through the Omega Nebula was one of the heaviest in the Terminus, second only to the Crescent Nebula.

Before the Reaper War, the Omega Nebula fell under Cerberus control when they successfully wrested control of Omega itself from Aria T'Loak, who fled into exile. Aria T'Loak would return with her own forces and UGC support, ousting Cerberus and effectively liberating the cluster once again. After the war, Aria established the Omega Republic, with the Omega Nebula as the capital cluster. Following a third and final bloody war to control Omega, Aria was deposed by her own daughter, Sata T'Loak, who renamed Omega and established the Alpha Republic and, with it, a new supranational entity called the Galactic Sanctum, with the Omega Nebula at its center. Following the Dominion Civil War, the Omega Nebula is now the capital cluster of the Federation of Alpha, where it has remained as such ever since and is still one of the most heavily occupied cluster in the galaxy, with a population numbering in the billions.

The cluster is named for its former capital, Omega.

History[edit | edit source]