

Biological information


29 December 2188 CE
Ke'kesh Manufacturing Plant, Ke'kesh, Rannoch

Physical information




Masculine programming




White optics

Political and military information





Energy Shielding


Milky Way Galaxy
Human Cycle
Reformation Era
Dominion Era
Pax Aeterna Era
Andromeda Galaxy
Pathfinder Era
Nova Terrae Era


"Creator Zorah, I have designed this platform to perform 10,615 unique tasks all to your specification and satisfaction. These tasks can be expanded to include "ass kicking", if you'd like."
— NeoLegion when asked by Tali'Shepard to serve Shepard, prior to her death at Rannochian State Hospital.

NeoLegion (model number: XP01), also known as NuLegion, New Legion, Legion II, or simply Legion, was a Trooper-class geth assistant and butler to Tali'Shepard, her military adjutant during the Border War and Post-Apocalyptic War, and a member of the Normandy Squad. Built and activated in late 2188 CE, this new geth approached Tali'Zorah to serve as her butler and assistant, wanting to repay Tali for all she did to establish peace between the quarians and the geth and stopping the Reapers: while initially refused, NeoLegion assuaged her that he made this decision on his own, not out of a desire to serve his creators, and Tali eventually accepts his help: wishing for Tali to choose his name, she named the new geth "Legion" in honor of her lost friend, with "NeoLegion" used historically to differentiate him from his previous namesake. NeoLegio would continue to serve Tali as her assistant and butler, and this role would expand as time went on, babysitting her children when she was working, acting as a bodyguard alongside Moses when she needed it, and, during times of war, becoming her military adjutant. During the Border War and Post-Apocalyptic War, NeoLegion was never far from her side, becoming an honorary member of the Normandy Squad and even remained with Tali when she was captured at the height of the PA war. After the war, he resumed his previous duties as her butler and assistant, which only became more and more prominent and demanding as she grew older.

In late 2252 CE to early 2253 CE, the interrogation of Commander Shepard by Prometheus would be moved to Tali's house, with NeoLegion present. During this time, Tali began extensively planning her plan to escape with Shepard, and NeoLegion helped her orchestrate it behind the scenes under Prometheus' noses. When the time came to spring their plan into action, NeoLegion helped kill numerous Promethean forces and eventually helped an injured Tali escape. Whilst protecting Tali in the hospital, NeoLegion's platform was shot and rendered non-functional by Carter Dielheart, but not before Tali, predicting her assassination, orchestrated the final step of her plan by transferring NeoLegion's debt to Shepard, having him serve Shepard instead. After some repairs, NeoLegion would join Shepard in his escape from Rannoch, serving as his adjutant and fighting during combat missions throughout the Dominion Civil War. NeoLegion would ultimately survive the Dominion Civil War, becoming Thane'Shepard's butler and travelling with him to the Andromeda Galaxy in 2174 CE. When Thane departed UGR-controlled space following the Great Precursor War, NeoLegion left with him, forever loyal to the Shepard family. Returning 80 years later with Thane, he remained by his side on Eos until Thane's passing, where he continues to stand vigil over Thane's grave site to this day, scaring off grave robbers and looters, and briefly becoming a vigilante and single-handedly decimating organized crime in the city of New Citadel in 2921 CE before returning to his post.

Biography[edit | edit source]