Navy of Palaven


Navy of Palaven


16 May 341 BCE - 10 November 2215 CE


Armed Forces of Palaven and its Colonies


Turian Hierarchy




Space control
Naval warfare
Power projection
Stellar security


15.4 million (regular)
60 billion (reserves)
18,000 ships
890,000 aircraft

Part of:

Subcommune of the Navy


Cipritine, Palaven


Turian navy
Hierarchy navy


"The inevitable tempest."


Steel grey and dark blue


Unification of Palaven
Festival of Triumph
Festival of Posion
Rebellions Victory Day
Festival of the Legion
Ethosi Spiritus



Dct. Septiretia Canditus (last)

"The inevitable tempest."
— Navy motto.

The Navy of Palaven, also referred to as the Hierarchy Navy and simply the Turian Navy to aliens, was the naval service branch of the Armed Forces of Palaven and its Colonies, and one of the six uniformed services of the Turian Hierarchy. The Navy of Palaven was formed as the successor to the defunct Imperial Navy in 341 BCE, with the Navy undergoing the most radical changes of all the other branches, right down from starship design to how the Navy fought wars. The Navy had proven itself as an instrument of Posion's military reconquest of the turian colonies during the Unification War, but it had proven largely ineffective against the superior navies boasted by the Supreme Colonial Heptarchy, Alliance of the Quadrumvirate, Baetikan Queendom and Epyrusian Empire, suffering numerous crushing defeats at the hands of these rebels and with victory only just being secured when Posion instead chose to have his fleet remodelled after the superior rebel navies, chiefly by either commandeering ships and bringing them back for research or copying them. When the war ended, Posion recruited former rebel scientists and engineers to build a mighty new turian navy, one which would incorporate the superior designs of the rebels and improve upon them even further. This not only revolutionized the turian navy, but revolutionized turian starship design altogether, with Posion recognizing that the navy was a necessary cog in the war machine that the former Turian Empire had allowed to fall into neglect and decay. The Navy of Palaven in 341 BCE was a hodge podge of ship designs and navies, with both the imperial and remnants of the rebel navies being merged into one, but within ten years, what took its place was a magnificent fleet of state-of-the-art turian warships, along with sophisticated infrastructure and improved warfighting capabilities that made the Navy of Palaven the most capable naval force in turian history. Along with this came the touch of Posion's military reforms, which instituted the necessary changes in training, discipline, philosophy and leadership structure to the navy to maximize its effectiveness and to bring it into line with the rest of the revamped turian military. Of the designs copied from the rebels was the Quadrumvirate's invention of the dreadnought, a then-powerful new class of warships to the turians, and just four years after the Navy of Palaven's founding, the first imperial dreadnought entered service.

The Navy of Palaven saw extensive action throughout its long history, with conflicts such as the Krogan Rebellions, Terminus Revolutions, Taetrian Civil War, Enael conflict, First Contact War, War on Taetrus, Reaper War and Post-Apocalyptic War being the most well known among them. With the dissolution of the Turian Hierarchy in 2215 CE following the Post-Apocalyptic War, the Navy of Palaven was dissolved with it, although it would later be reborn as the New Imperial Navy of Palaven in 2253 CE following the Dominion Civil War.

History[edit | edit source]

Formation[edit | edit source]