Titan Covenant


(Redirected from Holy Covenant)
Titan Covenant
2198 CE - 2253 CE
CovenantTerritory.jpgThe Titan Covenant at its greatest extent in 2216 CE, following the Post-Apocalyptic War.
Political information

Type of government:

Unitary theocratic religious/military alliance

Founding document:

Apex Ultimatum


Alliance of the Apex

Head of State:

Renewed Leviathan Imperium

Head of government:

Anointed Prophet Ocrolya Khabcass (first)
Anointed Prophet Eluam Ran'perah (last)


Lord's Crusade Commandant Graf;spee (first and last)


Anointed Prophet Eluam Ran'perah and Renewed Leviathan Imperium


Renewed Leviathan Imperium


Apex Court of Inquisition


Joint Crusader Armed Forces

Societal information



Official language:

Tilthan Base-2



Official religion:



Apex Resurgence Day
Judgment Day
Day of the Uprising


"A Leader Is Reborn"

Historical information

Formed from:


30 October 2198 CE - 23 March 2253 CE
(54 years, 4 months and 22 days)

Preceded by:

TerminusInsignia.png Terminus Systems

Succeeded by:

UnifiedRepublicsoftheMilkyWay.png Unified Galactic Republics

"Note the date, as far away as it may be. When the time comes, we the pious will rise, and the wicked will be annihilated."
— Exerpt from "A Leader Is Reborn."

The Titan Covenant, also known as the Covenant, the Apex Covenant, the Leviathan's Holy Alliance and the Holy Covenant of Titan, was a theocratic interstellar religious-military alliance that encompassed every species within the western half of the former Terminus Systems; this area was known as Covenant space, and represented one of the three major alliances in the galaxy following the aftermath of the Post-Apocalyptic War, alongside the Galactic Dominion and the Sanctum. The alliance's roots began as far back as before the Border War, just after the end of the Reaper War. Before its official formation, it was limited to the worship of Apexism, with Ocrolya Khabcass as its prophet, with followers in the hundreds. It rose to prominence following the collapse of the Batarian Hegemony, with the new Titan Hegemony forming alongside the Tilthan Connection, with the Yahg Principality joining it later on, and the vorcha and Illium being annexed even further on. The Covenant formed an alliance with the Omega Republic against the New Council and Galactic Dominion, which was maintained when hostilities began in 2205 CE.

After the war, the Covenant remained in a deadlock with the Dominion for decades, although both sides knew war would properly resume eventually. The Covenant's ultimate goal was to dominate the entire galaxy to make way for the Leviathans return to galactic supremacy, and to bring about the renewed imperium. It was believed this "holy war" was to begin in 2253 CE when the Dominion fell into civil war, but the Dominion's deployment of the Citadel-Ark ended any hope of this, with Titan and the entire Covenant leadership being destroyed. The Covenant collapsed in short order, with only a few sects putting up resistance in the years following. The Leviathans would be quarantined to their homeworld by the UGR in 2255 CE, ending any further hopes of a Leviathan resurgence in the Milky Way galaxy.

History[edit | edit source]

Founding[edit | edit source]