High Dome


High Dome
Historical information


February 29, 2191 CE


Primary military base and recruitment center for the Confederate Armed Forces of Tuchanka

Facility information


Tuchankan Military Confederacy


Numerous anti-aerospace and anti-aircraft flak guns and anti-ship cannons


Hundreds of armoured vehicles and aircraft


Human Cycle
Reformation Era
Dominion Era
Pax Aeterna Era

"The High Dome is the embodiment of a krogan: filled with redundancies, impossibly hard to kill, and loaded with enough weaponry to glass a planet."
Urdnot Wrex.

The High Dome, also known as Kalros' Cage, is a massive krogan military base on Tuchanka that serves as the headquarters of the Military Adjutant Command, the primary recruitment center for the Confederate military, and a safe zone in times of potential emergency. Named for the shape of the structure itself, the High Dome was conceived by Urdnot Wrex following the Reaper War. The argument used to justify its construction was that a 'threat like the Reapers has existed, will continue to exist, and will possibly exist again.' As a result, a section of city on the outskirts of the City of the Ancients was zoned out, and construction began a year after the end of the war, and was completed several years later. The High Dome became a massive, one thousand kilometer wide structure built from a combination of native Tuchankan stone (harder and tougher than conventional stone), concrete and steel. The result was an extremely sturdy structure, built to resist enormous punishment, both from orbit and terrestrial artillery. A powerful ground-based kinetic barrier was constructed to supplement it, which was designed to resist the shockwave and blast of several nuclear blasts. The structure was so strong that Sol Kunk jokingly coined the name "Kalros' Cage", as "not even Kalros herself could breach those walls." The name also references Maw Gap, the Imperial predecessor of the High Dome.

Inside the structure was the base itself, divided into sections: one containing the barracks, another the Confederate Military Headquarters, another the air field, and finally one more for the motor pool. The structure also contained a complex series of underground tunnels, which included the Jakdor'brecht Bunker where the government would be evacuated to in cases of emergency, a series of high-level RnD labs for weapons development, and launch bays for nuclear weapons. This underground area was mined out and completed four years after the completion of the High Dome itself, with the intention of being used to shelter important krogan functionaries if a second genophage was deployed.

The High Dome's reputation for being impregnable was never truly put to the test. The Post-Apocalyptic War never reached Tuchanka, and during the Dominion Civil War, only a few strategic bombing runs from Promethean bombers ever reached the High Dome itself, inflicting only minor damage to its extremely powerful energy barriers. However, the base was used extensively by the DDF, and Marcus L. Shepard used the fort's facilities himself in the early days of the civil war.

History[edit | edit source]

Founding[edit | edit source]