


Zeus Aluticus / Milky Way Galaxy




Salarian Union

Technological tier:



Hermes was a star system in the Zeus Aluticus cluster. Hermes was the only solar system in Zeus Aluticus by the 5th Century BCE, with all other systems in the cluster having been destroyed witin a million or so years. The system's five planets were uninhabitable, four of them with destroyed atmospheres and another which had been consumed by its sun long before. While the system fell within the territory of the Salarian Union, it was never colonized due to its rapidly deteriorating nature, with salarian astronomists predicting the sun's total collapse into a black hole within three thousand years by 288 BCE. The system's planets were doused in high levels of radiation that effectively scrambled sensor readings, which made it ideal for the salarian military to use in staging operations during the Reaper War and Post-Apocalyptic War. The system was also used as a safe haven by the Migrant Fleet, due to both the sensor-masking and the fact that the Council didn't bother evicting them from the system as they were usually prone to do when the quarians wanted to linger in one of their systems.

In 3000 CE, Hermes collapsed into a black hole as predicted, consuming the remaining planets in the system and causing its mass relay to be destroyed, effectively wiping out the system.

History[edit | edit source]