Heretic aerial platform
The Heretic aerial platform, colloquially named Saren's hovercraft, was a form of hoverpad built by the geth heretics exclusively to be used by Saren Arterius. When Saren took command of the geth heretic forces, just prior to the attack on Eden Prime that would kickstart the Eden Prime War, he wanted a device which he could use to command his forces from a position of authority and high elevation, allowing himself to be close to the fighting, but far from harm's way, and capable of quickly entering and exiting a battle. The geth heretics built the hover platform as a result, which Saren used throughout much of his campaign against the Systems Alliance. It was present with him during the Battle of the Citadel, and after the engagement, it was acquired by the STG, and taken back to a secure STG black site to study the geth technology inside it. The research ultimately turned up nothing, and its unknown what became of the device after that, although it was likely scrapped.
According to some sources, following the Second Morning War, the geth offered to construct one for Marcus L. Shepard to use, although the commander politely turned down the offer, saying it would simply remind him too much of his former adversary. These rumors were never confirmed however, and their credulity is tenuous at best.