Gaehok Jaroth


Gaehok Jaroth
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Biological information


9 August 2161 CE
Breeding Center of Zass, Zass, Taegirn


11 August 2185 CE
Suri-Kara Hotel, Kima District, Omega

Physical information









Political and military information



M-9 Tempest



8th Company, Scarlet Swordbearers (2173 CE - 2181 CE)
Omega chapter of the Eclipse (2181 CE - 2185 CE)




Asari Cycle
Pax Galactica Era


"A turian killed my brother two years ago. A turian killed my other brother, killing my men now and screwing up my business. Seems I have a settle to score with two turians, but if I can't catch one, I'll settle for this one. Call that personal if you'd like, I don't much care, freelancer."
— Jaroth's dismissve response to a random freelancer's questions during the Kima Siege in 2185 CE.

Commander Gaehok Jaroth was a former freelancer and later became a member of the Eclipse as a combat engineer and eventually the head of the Omega chapter of the PMC from 2181 CE to 2185 CE. Born on Taegirn in 2161 CE, Gaehok was the second of three brothers, with the eldest being Rurtoln Jaroth and the youngest Behorth Jaroth, with all three of them graduating university and leaving their homeworld to become freelance mercenaries. Despite their younger brother not being cut out for mercenary work, he was pressured into going with them as Rurtoln wanted to pursue a family run business where all three Jaroth brothers would be partners in their own PMC, with Gaehok firmly believing in this dream and Behorth along for the ride. Despite lacking the skills for the job, Gaehok personally trained his brother at Rurtoln's behest, and together the three brothers would accept numerous contracts, travelling around the galaxy, both in Council space and the Terminus Systems, all with the hopes of eventually gaining enough of a reputation to form their own, highly sought business. These plans never eventuated however, and as time went on and more and more contracts were taken by larger, rival PMCs, Gaehok made the decision to accept an offer from the Eclipse to work as a combat engineer, hoping to carve himself his own career, taking Behorth with him. Largely operating on Omega, Gaehok's competent command skills landed him command of a small company of Eclipse troops, where he would continue to serve for years while Behorth was placed with a platoon of Eclipse raiders who performed piracy operations throughout the Attican Traverse. Rurtoln would finally give up on his business ventures and join the Eclipse two years after Gaehok, with Gaehok as his commander. Rurtoln's skills as a raider would be used to maximum effect by Gaehok, who often employed him for protecting important shipments or eliminating high value contract targets.

In 2181 CE, Gaehok would obtain the rank of commander and assume command of all Eclipse operations on Omega. At this time Rurtoln remained his best operative, with Gaehok himself stepping away from field operations to take a more indirect approach, entrusting Rurtoln to handle day-to-day field operations while he handled the business side of Eclipse, personally facilitating deals and contracts with potential new clients. Under Gaehok's direction, Eclipse managed to seize control of 20% of all eezo smuggling on the station, drastically increasing Eclipse's profit margins: while Gaehok would occasionally see his younger brother Behorth whenever his raider unit visited the station, their contact was largely over long distance, but Gaehok deeply loved his brother regardless, and news of his death in 2183 CE during an Alliance raid greatly angered both Gaehok and Rurtoln, who could do nothing about it. Late in the same year, the arrival of the vigilante Archangel only worsened Gaehok's mood, as the vigilante and his squad would start a war against crime on the station, with Eclipse firmly in their crosshairs, disrupting eezo shipments, assassinating many of his best officers, ambushing and inflicting heavy casualties on his forces, and overall being a severe nuisance. Gaehok gradually slid back into taking an active role in Eclipse's combat operations as a result, trying his best to manage a deteriorating situation while keeping his bosses, such as Jona Sederis, from taking matters into their own hands and firing him. In 2184 CE, a welcome boon came in the form of the RAGNAROK-series mechs that were introduced to galactic circulation, with Eclipse buying them in bulk in an attempt to keep their lead as an ultramodern, technologically advanced PMC. Omega received the first shipment due to the dire situation, and Gaehok wasted no time in putting them to work, but even with the new mechs, Gaehok struggled to turn the tide against Archangel, and additional supplies of mechs only ended up being a priority for Archangel and his squad as they intercepted shipments before they could reach the station or hit the warehouses where they were stored. In late 2184 CE, Gaehok assigned Rurtoln to defend a particularly large shipment, but was wracked by grief and fury when he learned that not only had the shipment been intercepted once more, but his last brother had been killed in the raid. Driven by hate for Archangel and a determination to avenge Rurtoln's death, Gaehok became resolved to find and end Archangel, and readily accepted Krefin Tarak's offer of alliance in 2185 CE.

Dedicated to Tarak's cause, Gaehok dedicated much of the remaining assets under his command to an operation to ambush and trap Archangel at his hideout to end the threat he posed once and for all, with Gaehok personally overseeing the operation. Despite killing Archangel's squad and trapping the eponymous vigilante however, the Kima Alliance were unable to finish him off, and Gaehok lost many more men in the process. Digging in for a long siege, Gaehok accepted Tarak's command of the alliance, and was even tempted by his proposal to maintain their alliance afterwards in an effort to hypothetically overthrow Aria T'Loak in the future, with Gaehok accepting a piece of the profits and splitting it between them 50/50, leaving Garm out of the picture. When the time came for the final assault, Jaroth's Eclipse made up the second wave, going in over the bridge after the freelancers soaked up much of the damage. Unbeknownst to Gaehok however, the Normandy Squad had infiltrated the freelancers and betrayed them halfway through the operation, joining Archangel. Jaroth threw his men forward only for them to be soaked up in a meat grinder: blind with rage, Jaroth led what remaining men he was willing to commit, along with all his mechs, not knowing the mechs had been sabotaged by the Normandy Squad prior to the assault and were now reprogrammed to attack their Eclipse masters. Immediately, the YMIR mech to his flank turned to Jaroth and tore him to shreds with its autocannon before he even realized what was happening, using its right leg to crush what remained of his torso, killing him on the spot.

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