Elanus Risk Control Services


Elanus Risk Control Services



Private security
Private military
Weapons manufacturer


Gabicidia Elanus


4 May 360 BCE - 23 November 2218 CE
(2577 years, 6 months and 19 days)


ERCS Board of Directors


Graia Kaestus, Palaven


Peak 3

Area served:

Entirety of the Milky Way Galaxy


Aiekata Calili (last)

Key people:

Romero Ventralis
Maeko Matsuo
Kaira Stirling


Private security
Weapons and armor manufacturing
Mercenary operations

Number of employees:

19.4 million employees

Extranet site:


"Professional security is our obligation, not our price."
— ERCS motto.

Elanus Risk Control Services (ERCS), formerly known as Elanus Security Services, was a multi-species private security corporation specializing in a host of services such as simple event security, mercenary operations, weapons and armor manufacturing, riot control, prison security, counter-terrorism and counter-piracy. ERCS originated on Palaven as a turian private security firm prior to the Unification War by Gabicidia Elanus under the name "Elanus Security Services", formed under contract from the Imperial government to provide security for Imperial installations: when the Unification War broke out, Elanus opened a new division dedicated to mercenary operations, hiring from neutral colonies to provide additional military support to Imperial forces. After the war, Elanus began to expand the scope of its operations, keeping its mercenary division open as it hired veterans, and opened a third division dedicated to manufacturing weapons and armor: during the Krogan Rebellions, the Hierarchy made use of many Elanus-made weapons and armor, and Elanus mercenaries fought as auxiliary troops. Elanus continued to expand after the Rebellions in the centuries aftwards, expanding all three divisions of the company, while also diversifying their ranks by openly recruiting non-turians, especially from the asari, salarians and quarians.

By this point, the company had rebranded itself as "Elanus Risk Control Services" to better reflect the conglomerate it had now become. By 1200 CE, ERCS provided security in numerous sectors, maintained a mercenary force for use in counter-piracy, counter-terrorism and warfare, possessed a sizable fleet of starships for hire as defense and mercenary fleets, manufactured weapons (both lethal and non-lethal) and armor (and eventually omni-tools), made riot gear and other crowd control measures for use in prisons and riots, and more. ERCS provided guards and mercenaries for use in securing military bases, managing prisons, defending corporate facilities and for waging war. By 2100 CE, ERCS was the single largest private security contractor in the galaxy and one of the largest private military contractors, with millions of employees in its employ. During the Reaper War, ERCS provided forces for the UGC in fighting the Reapers and Cerberus, with most of its mercenary and security forces being repurposed as auxiliaries for use by the UGC, although ERCS security troops did fight extensively during the Battle of Noveria, and many ERCS ships were lost at the Fall of Illium due to making up a significant portion of the Illium defense fleet. The war took a heavy toll on ERCS' manpower, but peacekeeping initiatives and a need for security in a devastated galaxy seized the company multiple contracts, and it was quickly able to get back on its feet. During the Post-Apocalyptic War, ERCS forces took part in numerous battles on the side of the New Council armies and fleets, but despite this, the Galactic Dominion were quick to make use of the organization for bolstering its occupation forces, especially during the Occupation of Palaven. After the Dominion crushed the Cipritine Uprising, and the involvement of ERCS officers in aiding the uprising, the Dominion finally chose to disband ERCS, liquidating its forces and resources.

History[edit | edit source]

Founding[edit | edit source]