Eden Prime Colonial Guard


Eden Prime Colonial Guard


13 February 2164 CE - 7 June 2186 CE
1 October 2186 CE - present


Systems Alliance Colonial Army (2164 CE - 2191 CE)

Systems Coalition Colonial Guard (2191 CE - present)


Systems Alliance (2164 CE - 2191 CE)

Systems Coalition (2191 CE - present)


1st Eden Prime Battalion
2nd Eden Prime Battalion
3rd Eden Prime Battalion
4th Eden Prime Battalion
5th Eden Prime Battalion
6th Eden Prime Battalion
7th Eden Prime Battalion


Colonial Guard


Volunteer civilian militia


5,000 troops (at peak)

Part of:

Systems Alliance Colonial Army (2164 CE - 2191 CE)
Systems Coalition Colonial Guard (2191 CE - present)


Constant, Eden Prime


Eden's Warriors


Even Eden needs guardsmen.



Colonel Cameron Isaacs (current)

"Even Eden needs guardsmen."
— EPCG motto.

The Eden Prime Colonial Guard (EPCG), also known as the Eden Prime Guard, was the Eden Prime component of the Systems Alliance Colonial Army, and currently of the Systems Coalition Colonial Guard. Established in 2164 CE and sworn into the Colonial Army a month later, the Eden Prime Guard consisted of six companies upon its activation, and by 2183 CE it had increased in size to three battalions, with its headquarters established at the planet's capital of Constant. The unit took heavy losses during the Battle of Eden Prime, with three companies of troops killed, losses which took a year to recover from. In response to the attack in 2183 CE, further funding was allocated to building back up the Guard, with anti-aircraft installations built and vehicles allocated to the unit, and due to further recruitment incentives, another two battalions were formed, bringing up the Guard's strength to 5,000 guardsmen. In 2185 CE, the colony was forewarned of an impending Collector attack, and it coordinated the defense of the colony with the Normandy Squad, the latter of which who were not officially sanctioned to operate on Alliance territory due to their then-current ties with Cerberus: however, the Collector attack was a diversion, and the Collectors instead used the Normandy Squad's absence to board and abduct the Normandy's crew. Once the Normandy Squad left, the Guard was stood down, but remained on alert.

When the Reaper War broke out on 2 June 2186 CE, the Guard was ordered by Admiral Hackett to begin evacuating the colony before the Reapers arrived. Expecting a Reaper attack, the Guard was then surprised when Cerberus assaulted the colony instead, deploying troops to assume control of the colony and pacify the population, with Cerberus forces promising to end the Reaper threat and that the Alliance had lied to them about their existence. The Guard, despite its buffed numbers and improved equipment, was no match for Cerberus' brand new, cybernetically augmented troops and state-of-the-art vehicles and weaponry, and with naval supremacy secured by the Cerberus Navy, the Guard was swiftly defeated, with the rest either captured or escaping to form the Eden Prime Resistance. The resistance continued resisting the Cerberus occupation, but their efforts saw little success and they eventually shifted to assassinating high value targets within the Cerberus command structure and sabotaging their excavation efforts at Colony Ohio. When the Normandy Squad arrived three days later to retrieve an important asset, they aided the resistance by leaking Cerberus counter-intelligence reports and memos to them, allowing them to undermine the occupation further: the very next day, UGC reinforcements arrived and, with help from the resistance and Normandy Squad, finally evicted Cerberus from the colony. This was followed by a UGC withdrawal, with the resistance finishing the evacuation of Eden Prime before they finally abandoned it, with the Eden Prime campaign coming to an end as Reaper forces finally arrived to conquer the planet, finding it now completely abandoned. The Eden Prime Guard was deactivated shortly thereafter, with the survivors being reassigned to the Army. After the Reaper War ended, the Eden Prime Guard was reactivated and returned to the planet, eventually returning to full strength. The unit defended their planet again during the Post-Apocalyptic War, and when the Dominion Civil War broke out in late 2252 CE, the Eden Prime Guard were one of the first human colonies to declare for the DDF. When the Systems Coalition sent an invasion force to pacify the planet, the veteran guardsmen learned their lesson from the Cerberus occupation and chose not to resist the Coalition landings, instead abandoning the settled areas and immediately establishing a resistance, using the same tactics they used against Cerberus. With Coalition losses mounting, defections rampant and the remaining loyalists exhausted, demoralized and outgunned, the Coalition abandoned Eden Prime and withdrew their forces to be used on more important fronts. For the rest of the civil war, Eden Prime would be a safe haven for DDF rebels and insurrectionists, used as a staging base and resupply depot.

After the war, the Eden Prime Guard has resumed its role and has done so ever since.

History[edit | edit source]

Formation[edit | edit source]