

(Redirected from Dalatrasi of the Union)

Salarian Union


12 February 600 BCE - 10 November 2215 CE


Position Defunct
(last incumbent was 132nd Dalatracy)


The Dalatracy, also known as the Dalatracy of the Union, was the highest of the seven administrative houses of the Feudal Union Assembly that was charged with the governance of the entire Salarian Union, including all of Sur'Kesh and its nations, and the planets, systems and clusters under the sovereignty of the Salarian Union. The Dalatracy rests at the top of the seven-level structure that makes up the hierarchy of the Feudal Union Assembly as laid out by Chapter 1 of the Charter for the Unity of All Nations Under Pranas, and is comprised of twelve members who each hold the title of "Dalatrass", with each of them being in charge of a specific department of government where they hold almost absolute authority, although sufficient veto from enough members of the other branches of government can overrule them if necessary. Eleven of the dalatrasses each governed a specific department, which were education, defense, finance, science and technology, health, justice, transport and infrastructure, environment and agriculture, interior and security, foreign affairs and telecommunications and media. The twelfth Dalatrass is the head of state and the political leader of the entire Salarian Union, and in some circles, could be considered the reigning monarch of the entire salarian state. Holding positions in the Dalatracy were the same as the rest of the Assembly and were semi-hereditary, namely in that while each of the twelve Dalatrass positions were always inherited and held by the same powerful salarian bloodlines, who held those positions was determined by who was the leader of the family, which could change based on who that family chose to lead them: no family held the exact same Dalatrass position, so while a family was guaranteed a Dalatrass position, they weren't guaranteed the same Dalatrass position: a family could hold the position of Dalatrass of Education one election cycle, then Dalatrass of Science and Technology the next. This system was put in place to keep the major families satisfied, but also to ensure they couldn't hold consistent power over the rest, especially in the case of one family holding the position of head of state for any large amount of election cycles. And while the Dalatracy was almost always controlled by the same twelve families, this wasn't the rule, and the rise and fall of these families could give way to new ones stepping in and gaining a chance for power, while those that wished to retain a Dalatrass position had to consistently maintain their political power or risk losing it.

Each Dalatracy went through an election cycle, which largely happened every 24 years: if a Dalatrass passed away or was removed from power before an election cycle, a new member from the same family was automatically appointed in their place until they were elected out or elected back in with the next cycle, therefore keeping them consistent: in cases where a Dalatrass was chosen to become the salarian councilor on the Citadel Council, that Dalatrass would also be replaced until the next cycle. In total, a total of one hundred and thirty-one Dalatrasi were recorded from the beginning of the Salarian Union to its end in 2215 CE: this is technically inaccurate, as there was a 132nd Dalatracy that briefly existed between 2211 CE to 2215 CE that served as a puppet government directed by the Galactic Dominion. With the dissolution of the Salarian Union on 10 November 2215 CE, along with the Feudal Union Assembly, the 132nd Dalatracy of the Union was also its last. While the title "Dalatrass" would be held by a salarian ruler once more, it wouldn't be as a Dalatracy, with a single Dalatrass holding absolute power as the head of state over the Repracy of Sur'Kesh following its rise to power after the Dominion Civil War.

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