

2149 CE - 2186 CE
CerberusTerritory.jpgCerberus at its greatest extent post-militarization in 2186 CE. The majority of its territory was either controlled clandestinely or directly by Cerberus military assets.


September 26, 2149 CE - January 3, 2158 CE (SIA)
January 3, 2158 CE - September 24, 2186 CE (separate entity)


Lazarus Cell
Overlord Cell
Teltin Cell
Hades Cell
Prometheus Cell
Hamburg Cell
Ares Cell
Poseidon Cell
Gamma Cell
Central Cell
Mumbai Cell
Stockholm Cell


Military, political and scientific paramilitary organization/intelligence service/black ops unit


Preserve humanity's interests and defend Earth from all foreign aggression


31.3 million (at peak)

Part of:

Illusive Man


Cronos Station




"Organize and capitalize."


White and gold


Quarian-Cerberus conflict
Collector campaign
War on the 89th Shadow Broker
First War for Omega
Reaper War
Second War for Omega


Illusive Man (2158 CE - 2186 CE)
Geoff Dielheart (for three days in 2186 CE)


Jacob Taylor
Miranda Lawson
Rupert Gardner
Kai Leng
Randall Ezno
Oleg Petrovsky
Many others

"Humanity's sword in the darkness, pushing back against its enemies. The unwanted ally, the necessary mediator."
— Summary of the Cerberus Manifesto.

Cerberus, formerly known as Systems Intelligence Administration/Sector Six, was a human survivalist paramilitary organization led by a shadowy figure known as the Illusive Man. Coming to precedence after the First Contact War, the group was birthed from defecting members of the SIA's Sector Six division, who took what knowledge they possessed and joined Cerberus' ranks. Since then, Cerberus "looked out" for humanity's interests, developing a military, scientific and political division with the singular goal of influencing pro-human media, eliminating anti-human agenda and protecting humanity where the Alliance can't, usually through illegal actions and more radical actions such as terrorism. Cerberus' military industrial-complex eventually expanded during the "pre-war period" following the Collector campaign and continuing into the Reaper War, eventually allowing it to match the military of the Systems Alliance. Despite its upgrades however, Cerberus eventually overextended itself and that, combined with the capture of the CAW Deliverance, decided its fate. By the end of the Reaper War, the firing of the Crucible ended Cerberus as an organization, but a few survivors, including the ideology itself, survived long enough to be reformed into Prometheus, the organization's spiritual successor.

A few Cerberus remnant cells survived following the Reaper War, composed of members who hadn't been implanted with Reaper tech. None of these cells had any coordinated leadership, and were largely dismissed as a threat by every major galactic power. The Systems Coalition waged several operations to find and eliminate these cells, using the newly founded Prometheus to find them. By the time of the Border War, the vast majority of these cells had either capitulated or been destroyed.

History[edit | edit source]

First Contact War[edit | edit source]