Baria Frontiers


Baria Frontiers

Private corporation




Se'naka D'riaius


July 11, 1003 CE - present


Nos Astra, Illium

  • Baria Frontiers Headquarters
  • Baria Frontiers/Illium
  • Baria Frontiers/Citadel
  • Baria Frontiers/Thessia
  • Baria Frontiers/Earth
  • Baria Frontiers/Mars
  • Baria Frontiers/Palaven
  • Baria Frontiers/Sur'Kesh
  • Baria Frontiers/Irune
  • Baria Frontiers/Kahje
  • Baria Frontiers/Dekuuna

Numerous other facilities

Area served:



Kalezirae T'esre

Key people:
  • Star charts
  • Travel packages
  • Package holidays
  • Cruise lines
  • Hotels
  • Resorts

Travel agency

Number of employees:

4.72 million


"Taking the stars and making them yours is what we do best."

Extranet site:


"Travel has never been easier! With Baria Frontiers, you can explore the stars and land on distant worlds! With our travel packages, your curiosity will be left hungering for more!"
— Baria Frontiers' advertisement.

Baria Frontiers was an asari corporation that specializes in the creation and selling of star charts, as well as acting as a travelling agent. Established in 1003 CE, Baria Frontiers was founded to capitalize on the new galactic economy following the introduction of the volus on the galactic scene, the replacement currency of the galactic credit, and the end of the Galactic Depression of the 800s-1000s. The galaxy had gone through many changes, the Citadel Council's jurisdiction had drastically shrunk in size, and the Terminus Systems had risen as a new nation. This led to a lot of confusion within the galactic community, especially since former Council worlds had now become much more independent of their parent states, and laws had changed to address this. Baria Frontiers was one of the first corporations to adjust to the new galaxy they inhabited, and spread the fastest. As such, they were the premiere travel agency across the Milky Way Galaxy, and eventually gained a foothold in the Terminus Systems following the passing of the Council-Terminus Free Trade Act (1110) that lifted the embargoes placed on Terminus goods entering Council space, and vice versa. By 2183 CE, they still owned a large corner of the market, however slightly reduced.

Baria Frontiers as an organization continued to exist into the Post-Apocalyptic War, but eventually shut down due to wartime limitations on civilian traffic and exclusion zones causing a recession in Council space. The recession hit Baria Frontiers hard, who now found themselves cut off from their Attican and Terminus-based divisions, who splintered off into smaller companies by 2207 CE once it became clear the war was not going to end soon. The Council division shut down in 2210 CE, followed by the Attican division in 2211 CE. The Terminus division fell apart far more messily, but eventually filed for bankruptcy and liquidated its assets. The last Baria Frontiers building to close down was in 2220 CE, marking the end of the corporation.

History[edit | edit source]

Founding[edit | edit source]