Attican Traverse


Attican Traverse

Middle right side, Milky Way Galaxy




September 1, 812 CE


October 14, 2200 CE


The Attican Traverse was an historical region of the Milky Way Galaxy that acted as a buffer state, but was affiliated with no government and not owned by any one group or organization. Unlike the Terminus Systems, the Traverse did not have a de facto capital and its sovereignty was not recognized by any galactic nation. After its creation at the signing of the Treaty of Etamis, the Traverse consisted of the former territory known as Inner Council Space. Initially referred to as a ghost state for its largely lifeless nature, the Traverse was a compromise; to prevent the two sides from participating in border skirmishes and to protect the Quarian Republic, the Traverse was created as a buffer to seperate the two regions. The Traverse was therefore an empty No Man's Land; governments were allowed to colonize in that zone, but only at their own risk. However, militarization of the Traverse by either side would be considered an act of war. The only exception was when the Systems Alliance militarized the Armstrong cluster and many of its other Attican colonies from 2184 CE to 2186 CE, using the Eden Prime War as a precedent to justify the action. As a result, the Terminus Systems saw no sufficient casus belli to declare war.

Thousands of years later, the Council and Terminus Systems engaged in a "pissing contest" over who truly owned the Attican Traverse, but neither had elected to use military force to decide the true owner, as is what occurred in the past. Following the Reaper War, the Systems Coalition and Republic of Rannoch expanded into Traverse seizing territory, and upon the formation of the Galactic Dominion, they claimed the rest of the Traverse and subsumed it into their territory.

History[edit | edit source]

Formation[edit | edit source]