Army of the Republics


Army of the Republics


23 October 726 BCE - 10 November 2215 CE


Armed Forces of the Asari Republics


Asari Republics




Land warfare
Prompt and sustained land combat
Expeditionary warfare
Planetary assault warfare


38.3 million (regular)
4.8 million (reserves)
62,000 aircraft

Part of:

Thessian Army Command


"Long Table", 2.3 kilometers below Serrice, Thessia (726 BCE - 2186 CE)
Fort Befzenos, Thessia (2186 CE - 2215 CE)


Asari army
Thessian army


"Ready and waiting."


Black and dark green



Matron-General Rilentha Herev

"Ready and waiting."
— AOR motto.

The Army of the Republics (AOR), also referred to as the Thessian Army and the Asari Army to aliens, was the land and naval infantry service branch of the Armed Forces of the Asari Republics, and one of the four uniformed services of the Asari Republics. The Army was established in October 726 BCE, mere weeks after the birth of the Thessian Republics themselves, through the United Thessian Land Forces Creation Act (726) and was composed from members from each of the asari city-state militaries on both Thessia and its rising planetary colonies. The Army, along with the Navy of the Republics, were the only two branches of the asari military for centuries afterwards, with the Army being the largest branch by far in terms of total personnel. Even after first contact with the Salarian Union and the Rachni Wars, the Asari Army remained a powerful land force, the only one in the galaxy where every soldier was capable of biotics, and it quickly took up a peacekeeping role in the new galactic community the asari and salarians jointly founded, making up in martial force what their salarian neighbours lacked. Lacking an independent naval infantry branch, the Army fused the two roles into one branch, with the Army trained and organized to perform expeditionary and land offensive purposes. After the Krogan Rebellions and the transfer of military and peacekeeping responsibilities almost entirely to the Turian Hierarchy, the role of the Army became severely reduced and its use died down over the centuries, with the asari military coming to rely more heavily upon the Asari Commandos during peacetime to protect the Republics' interests and enforce military policy. The Army maintained its previous size, but a decrease in recruitment numbers eventually hindered its ability to maintain the size of its standing army, especially as more asari either joined the Navy, commandos or became mercenaries instead. The Army wouldn't see extensive action until the Reaper War, where it once again took a more prominent role in asari military operations during the defense of asari colonies and the Fall of Thessia, and after the war, the enforcement of conscription allowed the Army to build its numbers back up quite quickly.

The Army of the Republics saw extensive action during the Rachni Wars and Krogan Rebellions, with a more limited role post-Rebellions and its only significant actions being the Asari-Vorcha War until the Reaper War, and then again in the Post-Apocalyptic War. When Thessia was virtually obliterated by the Galactic Dominion by nuclear bombardment in late 2215 CE, the remaining asari military command surrendered, including the Army. With the dissolution of the asari military, the Army of the Republics was also dissolved, although it would later be reborn as the Thessian Army following the Dominion Civil War.

History[edit | edit source]

Formation[edit | edit source]