Armed Forces High Command


Armed Forces High Command


1 October 726 BCE - 10 November 2215 CE


Thessian Department of Defense


Asari Republics


Thessian Army Command
Thessian Naval Command
Liberty Watch Senior Command
Thessian Special Operations Command


Unified combatant command


Astrographic central command of the Armed Forces of the Asari Republics


37 high-ranking personnel

Part of:

Thessian Department of Defense


"Long Table", 2.3 kilometers below Serrice, Thessia (726 BCE - 2186 CE)
Fort Befzenos, Thessia (2186 CE - 2215 CE)


High Command


"Defenders of all that is right."


Black and dark green


Matriarch-General Aressphea D'lalis (last)


Tristana J'Asa
Delana P'Stri
Kinriu T'reyma
Benezia M'Soni


The Armed Forces High Command, also known as Asari High Command or simply just High Command, was the highest operational command of the Armed Forces of the Asari Republics under the Thessian Department of Defense. High Command was in charge of all subcommands of the Republics military, and in direct command of all branches of the Asari Armed Forces, which included all installations, personnel, resources and equipment fielded and owned by the asari military being subordinate to High Command. Subcommands of High Command included THESARMCOM, THESNAVCOM, LIBWATSENCOM and THESSPECOP. The Thessian High Command consisted of senior members of the asari military in command of their specific branches, with high-ranking commanders mostly consisting of matriarchs or at least matrons in the concluding decades of their life stage. The High Command was formed shortly after the Asari Armed Forces, operating out of the heavily guarded military facility known as the Long Table, which was located over two kilometers underground and was one of the most secure places in the Republics. During the Reaper War, virtually the entire High Command was killed during an emergency war meeting on 29 July 2186 CE when an indoctrinated agent managed to infiltrate the facility and detonate a bomb, obliterating a good portion of the facility and killing all of the gathered generals, admirals and other high-ranking military brass: this act severely hampered asari military efforts to repel the eventual Reaper invasion, and served as a pre-emptive strike carried out by the Reapers to sow further confusion and chaos within the asari military. High Command would only be officially reformed following the war, and their headquarters was moved to Fort Befzenos due to the destruction of the Long Table and its compromised location.

Most of Asari High Command was on Thessia when the planet was nuked by the Galactic Dominion towards the end of the Post-Apocalyptic War, and they were subsequently killed when Fort Befzenos was compromised from the shockwave of a nearby, detonated antimatter missile, causing the facility to quickly succumb to the ocean, drowning everyone left inside. It was officially dissolved as an organization after the asari military formally surrendered.

History[edit | edit source]