Aleena-Wrex Feud



Wars of Jirworth's Successors


Krogan Civil Wars
Ismar War (Phase I)


Ismar War (Phase II)
Tenrin's Rebellions
Fourth Spectre War

Aleena-Wrex Feud


6 October - 20 November 1767 CE
(1 month and 15 days, main conflict)
10 July 2183 CE (briefly reignited)


Attican Traverse / Milky Way Galaxy
Terminus Systems / Milky Way Galaxy


Wrexist victory

  • Wrex believes Aleena T'kajah to be finally dead after the Raid on Storehouse 8B
  • Aleena adopts an alias and begins a new life, allowing Wrex to believe he had killed her
  • Both Aleena and Wrex cease their attempts to kill each other


Urdnot Wrex
Aleena T'kajah
(temporary truce from 29 October to 3 November)

Normandy Squad
(10 July 2183 CE only)

Supported by:
Lasel Bellan
(6 - 29 October)
Aleena T'kajah
Urdnot Wrex
(temporary truce from 29 October to 3 November)

Actus Pirate franchise
(10 July 2183 CE only)
Lasel Bellan
(29 October - 3 November)

Blood Pack
(29 October)

Silver Phalanx
(29 October and 3 November)
Urdnot Wrex
Aleena T'kajah
(Battle on Capek only)

Marcus L. Shepard
(10 July 2183 CE only)

Aleena T'kajah
Urdnot Wrex
(Battle on Capek only)
Tonn Actus
(10 July 2183 CE only)

Lasel Bellan
Jidtar Hukaru

Tremetilia Florius
Battle on Capek only)

Mettius Murnion
(Attack on Bellan's Residence only)
  • 65 Blood Pack mercenaries
  • 300 Silver Phalanx mercenaries


  • Aleena severely wounded and permanently disabled
  • All pirates killed
  • All Blood Pack mercs killed
  • All Silver Phalanx mercs killed
"We joked about it, but we both knew we were mercenaries, and what that volus was offering me was too tempting at the time to turn down. Aleena saw where the wind was blowing...she got out of my way as quickly as she could. We chased each other across the galaxy, each trying to take the other out before the other moved first. It got so tiresome towards the end that we finally cornered each other on an old salarian space station in the Nubian Expanse. After she escaped from me there...we stopped chasing each other and moved on. I was shocked when we crossed paths again on Tuntau. The galaxy is large, but not large enough. Aleena was my friend, Shepard, but in the end our mutual pursuits of personal fortune drove an irreparable wedge between us...and her pursuit of that, in spite of our agreement to cease this struggle, is what got her killed. I'm at peace with that."
— Wrex describing his centuries-long feud to Marcus L. Shepard.

The Aleena-Wrex Feud, nicknamed by Aleena as the Ceaseless Struggle, was a small conflict between mercenaries Urdnot Wrex and Aleena T'kajah that took place between 1767 CE and 2183 CE. The main conflict itself was a month and a half of intermittent, sporadic duels, and was only fought between Wrex and Aleena themselves, although in one case the two of them temporarily joined forces to fight off the volus client's attempt to have them both killed: after that, Wrex took a brief break from fighting Aleena to kill the client who had betrayed him, but the client's death did not stop Aleena from resuming her attempts to kill Wrex, as she was now determined to eliminate any threat to her life, even her old friend. The entire "feud" started over a contract: beforehand, Wrex and Aleena had worked together on numerous mercenary contracts, having developed a rapport of respect for each other's skills and helping each other in times of need. This friendship would have lasted, except for Aleena's then-recent volus client: Lasel had paid Aleena to assassinate a volus official whose position he wanted to assume, but once the official had been killed, Lasel became paranoid that Aleena would be hired by one of his political opponents or corporate competition. To avoid this, he looked for mercenaries he deemed suitable for the task, and once he discovered Wrex's friendship with Aleena, he hired the krogan to kill her, doubling his usual rate in order to successfully entice the krogan. Wrex and Aleena joked about the contract, but both consciously acknowledged that regardless of their friendship, neither one of them would turn down such a bounty.

One day, Wrex made his decision. Out of respect for Aleena's skills and their relationship, he informed her of his decision and offered her a chance to battle it out in order to determine the victor. Aleena agreed to the compromise, and over the next two weeks, the two relentlessly pursued each other across the Attican Traverse, each trying to out do each other with every battle. Lasel's paranoia worsened, and he hired both Blood Pack and Silver Phalanx mercenaries to ambush and kill them both. They briefly teamed up to defeat this threat, with Wrex taking off to kill Lasel for his betrayal, only for Aleena to betray him upon his return as she too had become paranoid that Wrex could no longer be trusted. A few battles on Maskawa and Taitus followed, until Aleena finally contacted Wrex and arranged for one final, climatic battle on Uyora Station, an abandoned salarian space station in the Nubian Expanse: the idea was that the two had fought inconclusively for long enough, and that they would decide the victor once and for all on the station, suggesting a fight to the death. The battle was the longest of their conflict, lasting a week and a half before Aleena put the reactor into meltdown and used the station's destruction as a distraction to allow her to escape on an old cargo shuttle. As per the terms of the challenge, Wrex assumed their feud was now over, despite receiving a smug message from Aleena afterwards, and they both went their separate ways for several centuries.

Aleena kept a low profile to remain beneath Wrex's notice until 2183 CE, when she heard about Wrex on the news and his work with Marcus L. Shepard. Wanting to eliminate a thorn in her side once and for all, she worked with Tonn Actus to lure Wrex to a storage facility on Tuntau, hoping to ambush and kill him. Her plan failed however, and in the ensuing firefight, Wrex dealt what he believed was the final death blow to kill Aleena. While Aleena survived the battle unbeknownst to Wrex, she suffered permanent injuries that left her unable to fight anymore, and she gave up not only her life as a mercenary, but also finally decided to let Wrex believe she had perished, changing her name and moving onto a new life, until her final death at the hands of Thane Krios in 2185 CE.

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